Update on the Middle East
They all remember a time shorty after Mohammed when all of the Middle East, North Africa, Spain, and even southern France was one Islamic country, called the Islamic Caliphate. They want it back …and the rest of the world as well!
Click here to continue reading “ONE PAGE Update on the Middle East”
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Thank you Fr. Dave. I appreciate your insight and delivery. Many thanks for keeping us informed and calm.
The phrase “Keep calm and carry on” actually comes from Winston Churchill during World War II, especially when Great Britain was being bombed every day and night by the Nazi’s. It is a short phrase that packs a lot of power to keep people together in the face of any challenge.
What a great summary. Thank you so much. Happy Easter!
That was great–very succinct. Thank you. Have a Blessed Easter.
I am glad you found it helpful!
Happy Easter!
Quick note. First line of one pager says “They all remember a time shorty after Mohammed …”. I think the word “shorty” should be shortly. Overall, good summary.
Thanks for the catch! In a hurry to “go to press” I missed that typo!
Thank you Fr. Dave, if our political leadership would leverage your plan years ago, the world may not be in the situation we are in today.
Be well.
Thank you for your message! It is never too late, and so there is still time for a change of direction in Washington, but most especially in Mosques around the world. That is really the front line, and the efforts that will make the most difference. We need every Muslim leader everywhere speaking out against the terrorists every day, and everywhere.
I’m curious to know about the role of bitcoins in financing ISIS. I thought I had read somewhere that the currency plays a big part in supporting their terrorist activities. Do you know anything more about this, Fr. Dave?
I am not aware of this, but it sound intriguing. I hope it is not the case. ISIS is losing a lot of its ability to pay its soldiers right now, which is certainly not good news for them. Disgruntled soldiers in that part of the world tend to defect and offer good intelligence information, and that is good news for us.
That was very well written Father Dave, thank you. Hope you have a happy Easter! We miss you
Thank you for your message! I wish you and your family a very Happy Easter as well!
Fr. Dave,
I realize that fitting an analysis of this difficult and extremely complex situation into one page is neigh impossible. But, my take on it is that though Iran may want to establish a Caliphate, it’s not with with the present bunch of ISIS barbarians. They realize that they are as much a target as Christians because they are Shiite. The other “secular” Sunni are fighting ISIS because they fear a ruthless dictatorship which will destroy present secular government structures and those who run them–especially, the Saudi Royal family and others in Saudi Arabia who believe they protect Mecca. They all recognize crazy folks with medieval delusions.
Yes, I agree. Your analysis is right on. The Iranian version of the Caliphate (with the 12th IMAM, etc.) is very different from the Sunni ISIS version, and yet both are wildly weird and exotic. I believe that neither version will last much longer. The vast majority of young people in both Sunni and Shia areas are repulsed by these ideas, and simply want an economy that provides the dignity of a job and family, as the millions of youth who demonstrated in Iran in the Green Revolution in 2009 and in the Arab Spring in Egypt in 2011 proved well.
Fr. Dave,
Your “One Page Update on the Middle East”…..especially your advise on how to stop ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Iran…makes more sense than anything either of the leading Presidential candidates have said!
Thanks for making it all more understandable!
God bless!
Thanks for your message. Perhaps not running for office makes the mind think more clearly!
Great summary, succinct and to the point, especially after your article on the Middle East. I particularly liked the final 8 steps to on how to stop the growing terrorist crises. Iran is the greatest danger we face, especially with Russia there to help them stay in power. Thank you, again for your thoughts on a very critical situation.
Have Blessed and Happy Easter!
Yolanda Lopez
I wish for you and your family a very blessed Easter!
After reading your summay I have just one question. Did yea ever think of running for Pesident? You could be our first Priest in office. Why don’t our elected officials thik of this? I love the way you put it together and came to good conclusions.
I am glad you liked the article. I will only run for president if the White House were moved to the Conejo Valley!
Hello, Father Dave. As usual, I enjoyed your article. It is difficult to bring any clarity to the murky Middle East mess of terrorism and zealots that overwhelms the average, every day individual just trying to survive it all. I pray that these people will realize grandiose schemes to have power only bring the destruction of what they already have. I am a firm believer in living life simply and helping others. For all their destruction, they have not made life any better for the general population – just the opposite. Have a Blessed Easter, Father.
Yes, so much of the events in the Middle East ignore the desire of the vast majority who simply want to take care of their family. Let us remember them this Holy Week!
Fr. Dave’
Thank you, for such a clear under standing of exactly what is going on in the mid east, etc. You make everything so much clearer and we agree,you should run for President !!!
I am happy to run for president if the White House is in the Conejo Valley!
Fr Dave
I’ll share the article with family and friends.
The bast brief I ever seen for M.East!!
Jim Ford is right, you are a Great wise man.
With kind regards
Thank you! Please feel free to share the article with anyone interested.