After 49 years, the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court abortion case is under review by the court this year. Their decision is expected sometime in late June. This article reviews two key questions that will help put this entire controversy in an easy to understand perspective.
Click here to read: Roe v. Wade and Catholic Morality
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
You’ve written an important summary of the moral and legal dilemma regarding abortion, it’s current laws, and the role of government in our lives.
I will read your article many times and commit much of what you’ve expressed to memory as a way of preparedness for possible future discussions..
Thank you so much.
God bless!
I am glad you liked it, and especially glad that you will be able to help others understand the issues well.
Hi Father,
Great article on Roe vs. Wade. Here are my thoughts:
“My Body/Bodies, My Choice” ??
As Catholics and Christians, don’t we believe that through His death and Resurrection, Jesus Christ purchased us? Don’t our bodies belong to Christ our Savior?
The decision to take our own life, the life of another or the life of an unborn baby is not ours to make. We realize the circumstances sometimes can be extremely difficult; but through Baptism and the Presence of the Holy Spirit within us, we are capable of dealing with anything “this” World gives us. We believe God does not take away our sufferings, but He enters into them with us, and thereby Sanctifies them.
I think your ideas are right on and correct. The idea that “We belong to God as our creator” is a truly fundamental Catholic belief. I referenced the popular phrase “My body my choice” only to make the point that there is more than the mother’s body involved, so that it should be said, “My bodies my choice.” In truth, all the bodies involved belong to God, as you indicate. You also beautifully affirmed the role of God in the challenges we face or the sufferings we must endure in that God “enters into them with us.” Well said!
Thank you for your important article and for your consistent support for life in the womb. I am praying for wisdom and courage for our Supreme Court justices!
God bless you,
Carol Slavin
Yes, we are all praying for them!
Beautifully written & thoroughly explained. Thank you so very much for clearer clarification on the beginning & preservation of life, Let’s keep praying the Supreme Court studies this from “the moment of conception” till the natural end of life. We also need to hear this from ALL OUR PRIESTS from the altar too, this I truly believe.
I think we are going to have good news from the court this June. It is about time!