Gospel for September 8 2024 – Mark 7: 31-37
Gospel Reflections for September 8 2024
Jesus sees what no one else sees…
There are many major crises happening now in war zones around the world and in politics in our own country. Where is Our Lord in all these events? Today’s Gospel reveals His answer.
Jesus walks into a town and faces a large crowd of curiosity seekers and those just looking for entertaining miracles. He is already quite famous for doing amazing things and the crowd wants more. Who wouldn’t?
They bring a deaf-mute man to Him and are eager to see what He will do. This is a perfect time for Jesus to perform a big major public miracle that will amaze thousands. Yet He does something unexpected.
He takes the man away from the crowd …and deals with him privately. Why would He do that?
Jesus sees what no one else sees. He recognizes the man cannot hear …and so has no idea why he has even been brought there! Moreover, the deaf-mute man knows his disability was often considered divine punishment and so he probably had spent most of his life hiding it. Now, his disability is publicly known to everyone …and he is profoundly humiliated.
The only sense that he has left is eyesight, and all he sees is an excited crowd and a stranger in front of him. He is terrified, perhaps thinking he will even be killed.
Jesus instantly recognizes his fear …and so takes him away from the crowd. In a private and majestic gesture of amazing compassion for his unique needs, Jesus heals him with large physical actions that the man could see with the only sense he had left, his eyesight. He cures him in a uniquely personal way.
Jesus cured many people at that time, and the Gospels record each miracle in a different way for each person. Why is that? Jesus adapts His powers to the unique needs of each person because He loves each one personally.
In every miracle someone in need meets Jesus …and leaves a profoundly different person. You cannot meet Jesus and stay the same. You leave better and happier.
Our Lord’s plan for the salvation of our difficult world is to change it one person at a time. Right now, that person is you.
Jesus knows you very well, and offers you His grace right now, just at the time you need it.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
This Gospel shows how Perceptive Jesus is having crossed the Sea of Galilee into the District. Of Decapolis, They bring this man frightened and ashamed of his condition seeking assistance. After touching him He looks to Heaven and says Ephphatha. Translated, Be Open. The man regains his speech and hearing.
This impresses the crowd. “The Dumb Hear and the mute speak”. Makes him famous for the moment. Now if we can do this for ourselves Spiritually , would that not be Wonderful?
Make us open to the word of God expressed in the Scriptures and suggestions of our Faith.
The results would be of benefit to our lives and all those we come in contact with.
Yes, make us open t the Word of God!
Dear Father Dave,
Thank you for your enlightening synopsis.
This gospel account of the deaf man demonstrates (once again Christ’s deep and abiding love) in addition to how vulnerable we are or at the very least, can be.
FDR once said, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself,” but even that can be argued.
A person of faith and commitment might take that statement much further and proclaim that with God in hearts and souls, transformation in mind and spirit is apparent and miraculous.
God bless you!
Well said1
Love your words that our Lord’s plan for salvation for our difficult world can be accomplished by one person at a time!!! I have believed that if we all touch one person with our Jesus’ love We will hopefully overwhelm them in Faith i and love, we could make the world sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!! dick and I are trying!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our Jesus, loveeeee our faith and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee precious you!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick and yes I do love vowels for they express my loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!Z!! hahahaha
Thank you!
Yes!! And His grace is enough for us..
Thank you Fr. Dave. Sometimes I need to be reminded that He dwells within us.🙏🌹
Well said!
“You cannot meet Jesus and remain the same.” This is a powerful quote. This quote is so true for me when I receive the Holy Eucharist. I am moved deeply by his presence, love and friendship. It’s like threading together a beautiful tapestry to share with everyone I meet. Thank you Father Dave for your homilies.
Yes, I think that quote summarizes so many Gospel encounters with Jesus. You have just the right experience when you receive the Eucharist.