Gospel for September 3 2023 – Matthew 16:21-27
Gospel Reflections for September 3 2023
Hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires!
I wish there was some way to avoid natural disasters like the fires in Maui, the Ojai earthquake, our Southern California Hurricane Hilary, and now the hurricane in Florida. Seeing destroyed houses and devastated families has been heart-rendering.
Yet what is inspirational are the thousands of people quickly coming to the aid of victims in the affected areas. Despite media reports of political divisions here and there, when a crisis happens, the heroic efforts of so many courageous people are impressive. No natural disaster will stop them!
Hurricanes and earthquakes are natural events on planet earth and have occurred here for many millions of years. However, because there are so many towns and cities now, hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires now seriously impact more families living in those areas.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus predicts He will suffer if He travels to Jerusalem. He knows it is a place of wild emotions and very sinful people. Their sinfulness is not natural, and its source is Satan. Peter, and perhaps even other disciples try to convince Him to seek safety instead.
Jesus confronts Peter with some of the strongest words in all the Gospels, “Get behind me, Satan!” Jesus recognizes that an appeal to seek safety and security precisely when loved ones are in trouble and in need of help, is precisely what Satan would like to see. That will not happen with Jesus!
Jesus knew exactly what kind of world He was coming to when He was born in Bethlehem, and He also knows the “hurricane” He will encounter if He travels to Jerusalem. He knows the devastation and destruction that sin, selfishness, greed, immorality, violence, hate, and evil bring to people’s lives. No “hurricane” of sin will stop Him.
When Jesus says, “take up your cross and follow me” people then did not see the cross as just a symbol of accepting a challenge in your life, but rather the real possibility of …death! After all, no one ever survived crucifixion. Yet, people in the early Church courageously followed Jesus even knowing they faced a cross. We stand on the shoulders of those giants of faith in the early Church!
Nothing will stop Our Lord from seeking your salvation …not even Peter! Nothing will stop Him from rescuing the people He loves.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
The life and death of Jesus and His teachings of love with unwavering strength and purpose to save and serve humanity gives us hope, especially when facing disaster.
Devastated and hurting individuals, directly affected by whatever calamity occurs in their lives, almost always ask to be remembered in prayer. And so, the question is why.
I believe it’s because prayer sustains and supports all of us during our trials. It’s instills in our hearts, hope. It lifts us to levels of strength we may never have known we had. It allows us to reach out to others in need. It often adds dimensions of depth to our emotions.
Thank you for this gospel’s reflection.
God bless!
Well said!
Fr. Dave has, once again, made a very timely and essential point!
Thank you!
Hi Father Dave,
So true how crisis bring people together. Yesterday, in Hawaii EVERY single Island held a Sunrise, Noon and Sunset service in Hawaiian, Hawaiian, Catholic, and Christian services asking God to help the people of Maui. It was beautiful. “Where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there among them.” Matthew 18:20
Thank you for letting us all know about the Hawaiian people’s response to the Maui fire. Inspiring!
Love your precious words especially, “Nothing will stop the Lord from seeking your salvation!! not even Peter, Nothing will stop Him from rescuing those He loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!!!”
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Jesus!!!!a and thank you for sharing our Jesus’ Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee with everyone!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!