Gospel Reflections for September 29 2019
Go, you are sent!
These are the final words at Mass, when you are sent out to the world, just as Our Lord directed.
The early church spoke Latin so they would say Ite, Missa est, meaning Go! You are sent! They named the entire event after the Latin word Missa meaning “sent” which became our English word Mass.
Our Lord wanted Mass to both strengthen your soul …and send you out to change the world. You have a powerful mission!
Today’s Gospel portrays a rich man who never even notices a poor man outside his door. His rich life made no difference to those around him. That must never be said of you. Your time at Mass is meant to send you into the world to make it better!
Just after World War II, Pope Pius XII was deeply troubled. Twice in his lifetime the entire word had been at war, in World War I and again in World War II, and with Catholics on both sides. Something was wrong! He sensed that Mass was having no practical effect! People were going to Mass on Sunday and going to war on Monday. He believed that if you were the same person at the end of Mass as you were at the beginning …well, you had not really experienced Mass!
Pope Pius and later Pope John XXIII knew that meeting Our Lord changes everything for the better …and Mass was where that meeting would take place. They removed anything that would get in the way of your meeting Our Lord and so Mass is now said in local languages. Meeting Jesus is meant to change everything!
That is why the purpose of every parish is to authentically meet the Lord.
We want to meet Him in Bible classes, Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages, parish schools, religious classes, parish ministries; and especially …at Mass! The purpose of every Mass is to meet Our Lord in the way that He designed. Our focus is always on Him.
Before Mass, our focus is on the tabernacle, where Our Lord is reserved in the Eucharist. During Mass, our focus is on Jesus at the altar, in the scriptures, and especially at the consecration, when the priest changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Our Lord. After communion, where is Our Lord to be found? …He is now within you! You should immediately focus on His divine presence within yourself. Talk to Him there. That is why we sit or kneel in personal and prayerful contemplation immediately or you may wait until the last person receives.
With Our Lord now deep within you …ask Him how you can be different in each of your day’s events. With His wisdom now within you …Go! …you are sent into the world!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Growing up you would hear of that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Since I could never find the end I had to consider my priorities. What is more important. How I treat others or the riches I desired.
A close relative told me her daughter got a divorce, after all he wasn`t good enough for her. When I heard this I felt sorry for my relative and her daughter. The question remains, who is good enough? No one on this earth compares to Our Lord. We all fall short and need to love without judgment. Not always easy, is it.
Very wise words. Thank you!
Fr. Dave,
Thanks again for your deeply meaningful Gospel Reflection and reminder of the essence of Mass.
Too, I’d like to take this moment to profoundly thank you and your fellow priests for your devotion and sacrifice to our Church because without priests there would be no Missa, as well as the Sacraments of Reconciliation and The Anointing of the Sick which we were able to have administered to my father just before his death a few days ago.. Save God the Mass & Priesthood!
With deep esteem, Joe Guarrasi
Thank you for your heartfelt message and please be assurred of my prayers for the repose of the soul of your father and for you and you whole family as well.
How did “Ite Missa est” get translated into “go the mass has ended? Thank you for explaining the deep meaning as “Go you are sent on a mission.”
The Latin command “go” is the simple letter “I” pronounced as if it we were “EE!” The Latin word for “you” is “te” so putting them together as “Ite” means “You go!” “Missa est” means that the dismissal (missa) is now (est). That is a literal translation. In better English we say. “Go! You are sent!”
I like your reflection on talking to Jesus after communion, Fr. Dave!
He has given us the gift of Himself and He is waiting to hear from us.
I like to use that time to recognize His Presence and to ask Him to help me
in my various happenings during the day
His computer is always turned on for us to log in at any time!
Yes, He is always logged in to us!
Dear Father Dave,
Thank you for this memorable reflection.
Amazing to think of the “wisdom” of Christ within upon receiving Holy Communion.
Kathleen A.
Yes, that is such an important time of the Mass.
That was really beautiful! Thanks so much.
You are welcome!