Gospel for September 27 2020 – Matthew 21:28-32
Gospel Reflections for September 27 2020
Say yes …when you mean yes!
We like people who keep their promises. If you say you will do something, people of course simply hope you will follow through. Your life works well to the extent you keep your promises.
In today’s Gospel, two brothers say one thing and yet do another. Neither matches their words with actions. Neither is authentic.
Keeping your word is so important in your family or at work today. You need to know that a promise to care for the kids, show up for a doctor’s appointment, or follow through with a business client …will actually happen! You also depend on people keeping their promises. When your words and actions match we say you have “Integrity.” which simply means that what you say matches your behavior.
In this volatile political season we seek candidates who have integrity and keep their promises too. Our Catholic faith expects that each voter will make up their own mind carefully and intelligently about who is worthy of their vote.
What about Church leaders speaking out on political issues? Actually, all Catholics should ALWAYS speak on political issues! Every baptized Catholic is responsible for upholding our moral values not just leaders. Our Catholic faith speaks on every area of human life because every area involves a moral decision. You can always ask, “What would Jesus do in that case?”
However, the Catholic Church never officially endorses or condemns candidates, which has nothing to do with our non-profit tax status in any way. We never endorse candidates simply because …they often change their mind! We ONLY endorse our faith …which never changes.
The only people the Church will endorse are the saints. (However, in order to be declared a saint, you have to be …dead! No chance to change their mind!)
Like the saints, we will always courageously affirm what our faith says about marriage, immigration, abortion, the economy, and other moral issues.
I have written many articles on almost all Catholic moral issues which you can see at our stbrunochurch.org website, or here at daveheney.com, or even my book, “Don’t tell me what to do, a Catholic Understanding of Modern Moral Issues” which has official Church approval, available on Amazon.
I am sure you are always glad to be with people whose speech and actions match. Let this Gospel encourage you always to live with that same integrity.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
A most beautiful day to you overflowing with our loving Jesus and our beautiful Blessed Mother’s precious love!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee their loveeeee and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you!!! Dick and I are so overjoyed that our President hopefully will be choosing Amy Barrett to the Supreme Court and in time Roe versus Wade will be overturned and precious life will be protected!! This is a coming miracle of love!! it is important for our Catholic priests, leaders, teachers and all followers of our Jesus to promote candidates that are pro life!!!Perhaps not saying their names from the pulpit, or teaching venues just the beauty and sactity of electing pro life people!!!Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!! love our President Trump for he is Pro life and we believe his beautiful catholic wife, Melania has beautifully influenced him !!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Yes, Amy Coney Barrett seems to be an outstanding jurist. I think she will make a great addition to the court.
“Catholics should always speak out on political issues” Once again Fr. has made a very important and timely point! The upcoming Presidential election involves speaking out and taking action for good or evil like never before!
Thank you for highlighting that point that is so often misunderstood. Catholics should speak on every area of human life!
Dear Father Dave,
I’m worried, concerned, and a little afraid. I’ve never seen our country this torn….I’ve only read about the division of the Civil War.
The Prayer March in Washington today was beautiful and powerful, but our Catholic Church Bishops were missing. At least I didn’t see them.
I will keep praying for peace. Yes, the parable of the mustard seed.
Thank you for all your writings.
God bless you.
Kathleen A.
Your are welcome. I can assure you that the Civil War was an infinitely worse time, and probably the very worst time in our history. Every time is better than the Civil War period. While there are certainly divisions now, it can seem like more because of the hyped up stories on the news and overall media. The vast majority of people in the country are fine, and like thier neighbors too.
I seem to do things that in some way I benefit. I try to look for truth as a guide but I hear and see in my selfish framework. I constantly read the Bible and study the saints but I find myself on opposite side of other good people. My consolation is that God is in charge and his plan is on folding to his purposes. I like Trump.
Yes, keep reading the scriptures and especially the saints. The church puts their lives forward for us to study precisely for the good effect it will have on us. Keep up the good work!