Gospel Reflections for September 22 2019
Do you like the way the world is now?
Not many do. There are continual crises in the Middle East, North Korea, and the constant debates and controversies in the Presidential campaign, and so many other issues. The future does not look good!
The Gospel also presents a man facing a dismal future. People often blame others for their problems or deny any wrongdoing at all, however, this man appropriately recognizes his own problems are precisely due to his own sinfulness, greed, and dishonesty. He contemplates his future carefully, and decides to come clean and finally do the right thing. He had been grossly overcharging his clients, so he decides to rewrite all bills back to their actual true amounts. He acknowledges his dishonesty for a good cause, and hopes that will help him in the future. Good thinking!
He was successful because he had a clear view of the future he wanted, and took just the right steps to make that happen. That is our task as well. We must have a clear view of what the future Kingdom of God looks like, or else we will not know how to get there!
This is the mission of St. Bruno Parish. Everything that we do here we design to reveal what this Kingdom of God is and to help us experience it for ourselves and especially your family.
That plan has produced good results. Our school enrollment is now at 350, the highest ever. Our Youth & Family Ministry is at 688. Our new patio roof will last for generations. We have more great parish projects on the way as well. Everything we do here is to help build the Kingdom of God here at St. Bruno parish.
We catch a glimpse of this Kingdom at every Mass, when Jesus says, “This is My Body and My Blood, given for your happiness!” Every Mass is a kind of “school of love” that teaches Our Lord’s path to true and lasting happiness. This kind of total self-giving love that Jesus lived is the place to look for wisdom in making your world a better place, and what will guide all our parish programs. I want to make sure that our whole parish effort is to join in that mission of Jesus.
Together, we can live the Kingdom of God …and you can help make the world the way it should be.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
For me in reading all of todays scriptur is to constantly looking at me to see what I might be doing that I put ahead of God. Ouch. That hurt.
I don`t like doing it cause u know I am perfect. Ok just kidding.
Looking at things and recognising what we need to clear out but the hard part is always getting the victory over years of faults. So I have to remember zBUT GOD and he is always our helper snd deliverer.
There is no one you will ever meet who is more patient with you than Our Lord.
I have to admit that when I hear “ This is my body and this is my blood” I kind of transcend to heaven and didn’t realize that you say given for your happiness. .” I will try harder to listen closer.. WOW
We learn new things everyday from Jesus.
God Bless
Our Lord’s entire life was dedicated to your lasting happiness. That is why it is called Good News!
Good morning
Do you list the reading from the Bible for next Sundays’s mass? Maybe I missed it pleases redirect me
God Bless you in all that you do
Lisa Wilson
I have not had the habit of referencing the actual verses of the Gospel readings. That is a good idea!
Father Dave, Thank you for setting up a print button.
You are welcome. I am glad you thought of it!