Gospel for September 20 2020 – Matthew 20:1-16
Gospel Reflections for September 20 2020
Got financial advice?
I hope this Gospel can help …but the story of a farmer paying the same wage to workers who arrive at the end of the day to those who have worked all day long just doesn’t seem fair! He is paying too much to latecomers who do not deserve it. Who would be that generous?
In this Coronavirus economy every family should think carefully about expenses and focus on important things, like food, clothing, and shelter. Wise families carefully discern the essentials they need most, and I see families at St. Bruno do that well …that is good news!
So why does Jesus present this free spending farmer to us? Perhaps we should know what the “money” in this Gospel actually is. Jesus means a different kind of “coin” …and it is love, not cash, and His kind of love has no limits!
You would certainly expect to pay more cash to a worker who has been working all day than one who has just arrived, but love is a different kind of “payment” than cash.
When you love as Jesus loves …that kind of love is limitless no matter when you start work. After all, parents love a newborn child who has just arrived in the family with the same love they have for their older children who have been around for years. God is just as generous with His love as parents are for all their children no matter when they arrive!
Real love is certainly practical about basics like food, clothing, and shelter. I believe our parish must show that practical love as best we can even during the Coronavirus Restrictions as well, which will mainly be educational resources now. We have all kinds of features on our new website with new information to help you and your family be happier, healthier, and holier. (click here to go to stbrunochurch.org)
St. Bruno still offers the Eucharist for those who choose to come in person to Mass as the practical “spiritual food” we need. We also try as best we can with the Restrictions to offer Baptisms, Confessions, Weddings, Quinceaneras, and even Funerals as well.
Your practical support each week to your parish’s collection either online or in person really helps keep all these ministries possible.
Your generosity and love reflects the generous and loving nature of the farmer in this Gospel that Our Lord so greatly admires.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
At age 75 I finally understand that gospel and it makes great sense. Thanks Fr. Dave!
You are very welcome!
Dear Father Dave,
This Gospel teaches us well about the depth of God’s love. You’ve provided a great synopsis.
I also wanted to mention your article “Black Lives Matter.” It’s an exemplary reminder of history and our Catholic viewpoint. Thank you for writing and posting this for so many to read.
God bless you.
Kathleen A.
Thank you for your kind words. I am very glad my article on Black Lives Matter has generated such positive reviews!