Gospel for September 17 2023 – Matthew 18:21-35
Gospel Reflections for September 17 2023
Forgive your enemies 77 times! …really?
This Gospel speaks powerfully about forgiveness …but that many times?
In my forty-five years as a priest, I have heard many Confessions, and they still remain an inspiring experience for me.
At the start of every Confession a person indicates how long it has been since their last confession.
I am always impressed when I hear it has been many years. I always say, “Welcome back!” I can sense right away how good it makes people feel to return to this very healthy spiritual exercise.
One thing a priest NEVER asks is “How many times have you been to confession?” After all, a person may confess often, and even the same mortal sins each time, and yet still receive the same total forgiveness Our Lord provides in this amazing sacrament.
If you are sorry for your sins, God makes it easy for you to start over again no matter how many times you fail. That is good news!
After all, some sins may be with you all your life. Our Lord knows that. All He asks is that you are honest about them, acknowledge them sincerely and accurately, and then humbly seek His grace to overcome them …one more time.
You may never be perfect, but you can always be honest.
Small Venial sins, which often come from emotional outbursts, are forgiven at Mass. Mortal sins, which involve deep premeditated planning of serious harm on another, are for Confession.
You often do not receive this kind of mercy from those around you. If you hurt others often, they might end the relationship for their own safety. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting what happened! (See my article Forgiveness …is not Forgetting)
Our Lord is different. He will never end His relationship with you so you must never end your relationship with Him.
However, God’s forgiveness in Confession does not erase your memories of the past. Our brain, unfortunately, often retains them, but they are completely gone in the eyes of God. Humbly accept the mercy and grace you have received and find the courage to make the changes you need for your future.
You have all the time your life provides, but only the time your life provides. Resolve now to use your time well …and the grace of forgiveness that you receive to move forward.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
your article Forgiveness is not forgetting changed my life many years ago……God Bless you
Thank you
Your comment made my day! This is why I write these articles.
Beautifully said as always!!!Forgiveness makes one feel Jesus’ love in their hearts!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit and love you for sharing jesus’ love with us!!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Thank you, Fr. Dave! Indeed confession has been a very cathartic experience for me. I had been somewhat apprehensive to confess things that I believed I would never be able to overcome. Yet, with the sanctifying grace I received, I was able to persevere and move forward to correct those transgressions. Although I still find myself falling into pitfalls, I find that with the grace from frequent confession, I have a stronger resolve and less temptation to give in to sin. It is wonderful that people are returning to confession. It is the most honest and loving conversation we can have with God that will foster a deeper relationship with Him.
Thank you for your very thoughtful message! Your personal experience is very helpful.
Fr. Dave,
Thanks for helping us to better understand a very difficult scripture passage!
You are welcome!
Dear Father Dave.
Forgiveness makes our lives better, us better! It frees us of angst … hostility!
Thank you for your synopsis of this Sunday’s Gospel.
God bless!
You are welcome!