Gospel for September 15 2024 – Mark 8:27-35
Gospel Reflections for September 15 2024
Who do people say that I am?
Jesus asks a bold question! However, He doesn’t just ask people about what He does …He asks what they think of Him …as a person.
Some compare Him to the Prophet Elijah or John the Baptist. However, Peter answers that He is none of these, but rather the true Messiah …the Son of God.
Peter knows the difference between admiring great people …and seeing a divine Son of God.
Our Church is not founded on great people! After all, Jesus soon rebukes Peter sharply for his human frailty. There is no human person on which the Church can stand, but only the divine person of Jesus Christ, who affirms “I will build my Church on you, Peter….” (Matthew 16:18)
Jesus knew His Church would be filled with human beings with all their failings. A quick glance at our long Church history reveals that is exactly what happened, and certainly continues to this day. We should never be shocked that some human beings in His Church reveal their human knack for selfish behavior.
After all, sin entered into the Garden of Eden that God personally designed, and even among the Disciples that Jesus Himself chose.
There is no possible human explanation for the 2000-year existence of the Catholic Church except that it is the Church that Christ Himself founded.
Any other institution would have collapsed long ago. One proof for the existence of God …is the continued existence of His Church!
Amazingly, often in the darkest days of our history is when our most famous saints came forward. That is counter-intuitive. Usually, failing institutions …simply end. How is it possible that we have lasted these two thousand years through such times and with such bad leaders then and now?
Only because of Our Lord’s majestic last words, “I will be with you always, even until the end of the world!” (Matthew 28:20)
Fortunately, we do not have to only depend on the goodness, competence, or even holiness of Church leaders. Church leaders come and go, and certainly many have been saints.
This Sunday, we acknowledge and celebrate all our teachers at S. Bruno. They are great church leaders! They teach our young people to never let some other person’s lack of faith, hope, or love, or bad behavior affect them.
Always stay connected to our Lord and the Church He Himself founded.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Jesus saw so much promise in Peter despite his shortcomings! He. Does so for us as well.This gives us Hope in achieving Eternal Salvation. Before his Sacrifice on the Cross Heaven was not available but now is.
This is A Monumental Change for the Better. Do we realize the implications of this? Many of us do not and that is Sad. We must strive to seek that which will give us the Peace of Christ that He wanted Us to have.
We get that through following closely the dictates of our Catholic Faith.
Well said!
“Any other institution would have collapsed long ago. One proof for the existence of God …is the continued existence of His Church!”
I love this. I tried to explain this to one of my family members who has left the church. About how fallible humans are At the church stand because we are led by God. The Holy Spirit continues to cleanse our church
Thank you, Fr Dave.!
Amen to that Margaret! The permanence of our Faith is proof!
We are Blessed to belong and practice. Thanks
I am glad you are trying to connect with fallen away family members. I think this amazing fact about our history is powerful.
Fr. Dave,
I am grateful for your positive & true comments about our church. Only with Jesus could it survive this long. It is a beautiful church & faith.
I am grateful for finding it as an adult , & coming into the church through RCIA. I felt the
“simple whisper of God, “as my oldest daughter Alana received her 1st communion. It was my invitation to be blessed by Jesus.
I will be eternally grateful in this life & in external life for listening.
Thank you for sharing that!
It is an amazing, precIous, beautiful Faith that we are so beautifully embraced with!!! It is such a miracle that God created us,,and then man sins and Jesus establishes our precious church, ,dies for us that we might have salvation if we live in love, His Love and share it with others!!! Our loving Mass, receiving our Jesus in the Holy Eucharist, our Confirmation having the Holy Spirit dwell in us , all our sacraments, the forgiveness of sin in Confession give us the strength and beauty of living our Faith, living for Jesus!!! Our Faith is the true faith and has lasted over 2 thousand years for it is the true Faith established by Jesus and will forever embrace us and everyone in Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick=
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
Your reflection on today’s gospel needs to be remembered for it is truly remarkable that our Catholicism has persevered because of the incredible love and sacrifice of our savior, Jesus Christ.
Perhaps His second coming is getting closer.
I truly believe that God is pure love and He sustains us.
Praying for our world.
God bless you.
Yes, let’s all keep praying for our world right now.
Fr. Dave