Gospel for September 13 2020 – Matthew 18:21-35
Gospel Reflections for September 13 2020
Forgive your enemies 77 times! …really?
This Gospel speaks powerfully about forgiveness …but that many times?
Since my ordination forty two years ago, I have heard many thousands of Confessions. It remains a very humbling and inspiring experience for me.
You might know that at the beginning of every Confession a person indicates how long it has been since their last confession.
I am always profoundly impressed whenever I hear that it has been many years. I always say, “Welcome back!” I can sense right away how good it makes people feel to return to this very healthy spiritual exercise.
One thing a priest NEVER asks is “How many times have you been to confession?” That is never an issue! After all, a person may come to confession every week, and even confess the very same sins week after week, and yet still receive the same grace of forgiveness that Our Lord provides every time in this amazing sacrament.
If you are truly sorry for your mistakes, you always have the chance to start over again no matter how many times you fail. That is good news!
After all, some sins are so ingrained and habitual that they may be with you all your life. Our Lord knows that. All He asks is that you are honest about them, acknowledge them sincerely, accurately and quickly, and then humbly seek the grace to try to overcome them …one more time.
You may never be perfect, but you can always be honest.
You often do not receive this kind of mercy from those around you. If you offend or hurt others over and over again, well, you can understand that they might choose to end the relationship, for their own peace and well-being. Fair enough.
Our Lord is different. He will never choose to end His relationship with you so you must never choose to end your relationship with Him.
His grace is not something you want to take advantage of, or never make any effort to change your bad habits. Just the opposite. Realize the mercy and grace you have received and find the courage to make the changes you need to make.
You have all the time your life provides, but only the time your life provides. Resolve now to use your time well …and the grace of forgiveness you receive to move forward.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Fr. Dave is right again. We must always do our best to be ready to die.
I learned at about 5 pm on February 2017 that we don’t have a clue about the “Day or hour”. That day I was feeling great and then 45 minutes later a heart doc told my family to ” Go in and say goodby….his vitals are fading fast.” Fortunately, my wife checked and put my Brown Scapular back on me and only five minutes later the doc said a” true miracle” happened that allowed me to have a 9-hour surgery followed by a fast recovery!
I think about that every day now and try hard to “be ready”!
Yes, you are blessed with a remarkable miracle event. Not everyone has that experience. I am glad that you remember it often.
“You may never be perfect, but you can always be honest.”
That cut deep into my soul.
I think that line hits all of us deeply!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jesus’ grace and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeJesus’ forgiveness of sin!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you our Father Dave for giving us Jesus in the Holy Eucharisti and givig us Jesus in forgiving our sins!!! and giving us Jesus in all your actions to inspire us to live our beautiful Faith!!! Larry sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy for you for you are Jesus’ miracle of love with heart recovery!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Jesus of LOVE!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Divine intervention is needed in the act of forgiveness! We need all the help we can get.
To forgive and be forgiven restores harmony in the body and soul.
What a good feeling it is to be connected again!
The words in the “Our Father” prayer are beautifully said by Jesus himself,
“Forgive us our trespasses …
Yes, I think the Our Father is the most perfect prayer.
Yes we must be always ready when we do not know the time or place. I have had two friends in the past two months die and was surprised both times.
Larry above reminded me of when I had bypass surgery. The idea of the Doctor stopping my heart wasn’t exciting to me. So I kept praying. Right before thy were coming to get me I looked up and saw these Angels flying around. At that point I knew I was okay. If I lived okay but aif I died Okay. At that point I had a great trust in God.
Years after I had a lump and the Doctor looked worried. Found out it was cancer and they operated and it was gone. The Doctor asked why my attitude was so positive and I asked if she really wanted to know and told her about my heart surgery. She is from India and I am not sure of her religion but it w a witness about Gods grace.
I believe we should always work at being forgiving as the Our Father says for God to forgive us AS I forgive I forgive those who trespass against me. And another says to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. So constant confessions is necessary to make sure my heart is right with God.
Thank you for sharing your amazing stories of diagnosis and healing. I think you have learned from them very well.
Thank you for the great reminder, Father Dave. It’s hard to remember that Jesus always forgives over and over again and we should try to do the same. That’s when we realize how merciful God is. We get tired of forgiving the same thing more than once or twice. Jesus never does as long as we try. Very comforting.
I am glad you liked the article. There is no more common human experience than our having to deal with some hurt, and then how to forgive. Jesus knew that, and so talked so much about it.
Father Dave, your words are so reassuring always and this one today is such good thing to assure us about our sins and confession. And when you speak about forgiveness I will always remember when I read your article about “Forgiving Is Not Forgetting .” That article was so important to keep in mind when you are hurt in some sad way by somebody. It helps us to deal with the way we need to. I hope every parishioner at St. Bruno’s reads this article.
Thank you.
Yes, my article on Forgiveness is not Forgetting is one of the most popular of all. Forgiveness is such an important step to peace.