Gospel for September 10 2023 – Matthew 18:15-20
Gospel Reflections for September 10 2023
School has started!
We have begun another academic year at St. Bruno, and are especially glad to welcome our new families!
Do you remember your first day of school? Social scientists believe that first day begins an important transition. For the first time, you spent a lot of time without your family nearby and in the company of hundreds of children and adults you did not know at all.
Some students discover that behavior that they considered normal in the intimate setting of their home just does not go over too well at school! They receive all kinds of new behavioral guidelines from teachers, staff, and even fellow students. They are a major factor in molding behavior to fit well into new and larger social groups, from school, to college, and then finally …to the world.
Each new group you enter modifies your behavior. If the group is healthy and morally straight, it can guide even troubled youth to much better behavior. However, a bad group can make healthy children turn for the worse. In a sense …you become the group you join!
That is strong motivation for a school, family, or parish, to make sure everything we do helps young people grow up well. You can be proud that our excellent school faculty and staff and supportive parents together provide a healthy environment for young people to discover just how to behave appropriately in this great big world. We prepare our students for success and happiness both here …and in every stage of their future life.
The Gospel today affirms the importance of good-willed people to correct each other’s behavior …and how to do it well. (see my article on Gossip and Rumors) A healthy parish can turn anyone toward a happier path.
I remember years ago hearing some challenging advice from good friends that helped me change some bad habits I had developed. I was glad they respectfully and courageously spoke up! I would rather know how I might be hurting someone than remain ignorant and cause even bigger problems, so I was deeply grateful for their help.
Jesus founded a Church that follows His example closely and reconciles troubled people back to healthy relationships. Let us model our behavior on the Lord …for success and happiness now and every day of our life.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Kathleen+Auth says
Dear Father Dave,
Good advice.
If I had children of elementary school age today , there would be no question but to make sure they attended Catholic schools!
Our public system of education has introduced curriculum that is not acceptable, and in many districts across the country, parents are being silenced. In my view this is incredulous.
We do need to turn to our Lord and Savior in these upside down days of Marxist lunacy.
Anarchy has descended into our culture like a fierce desert storm, blinding people,.
The issues and behavior in question are enormous and corrupting.
Yes, there is an old saying,, and I’ll paraphrase; Show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are.
In all of this and more than ever, I pray for peace and remember that beautiful parable of faith and the mustard seed.
God bless you.
Father Dave says
Yes, thank God for Catholic schools, and those public schools that keep common sense. I like the “Old Saying” you mention.
Tom Joyce says
Remembering my first day at School was a bit painful but nothing in comparison with my first day in the Military. That definitely took the cake. All the yelling and commands were confusing. I thought what an immense mistake this was.
Boot Camp at Alameda , California was an eye opening experience. Learning the discipline of being a Seaman Apprentice in the United States Coast Guard. Inspections , Training., Running, standing at Attention , Saluting , and shouted at every moment of the day.
Sunday Mass was a pleasure and Great restorer of sanity to body and Soul.
Mass remains that for me to this day. Let us relish the Sacraments and serenity provided by this Catholic Faith We Cherish.
Father Dave says
Thanks for sharing your military memories. I am glad the Mass was the place to restore your of body and soul!
Kathleen+Auth says
Dear Tom Joyce,
So heartily agree with your Mass comments!
Thank you for expressing your thoughts so well.
Tom Joyce says
Welcome, I love our Faith completely. Thanks
Father Dave says
Philomena+Gatto says
Thank you, Fr. Dave for for a reflection I can relate to!
It brought back memories of my teaching years. saying good bye to my class at
the end of the school year and saying hello to a new one in September.
It was beautiful to see the children interact with each other. learning new behaviors
in every aspect of their lives. It was a challenge sometimes, but with patience
the good always prevailed..
Thank you also for your article on Gossiping.
It is sad that others want to hurt people in this way. Like you say,
even Jesus had gossipers who wanted to hurt Him.
Father Dave says
Yes, bad people gossiped about Jesus but he never let it get to Him. As it says in the Gospels, “He knew their hearts.” Matthew 12:25
franca says
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your thoughts Father Dave and Kathleens, Toms and Philomena !! They all touched my heart!!! I was a Kindergarten teacher at Saint Judes for 20 years and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it!!! It was a most precious beautiful time in my life for in Catholic School one teaches the love of our loving God, our precious Jesus, and our beautiful Blessed Mother!!! and to share that love with others!!! Our Kindergartners lived Love, Care, and Share!!!! I wish I were young again and could teach in your beautiful school for touching childrens life with Jesus’ love is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo precious!!!! Now I do try to share our loving Jesus’ love with others!!! and Dick does toooooooooooooooooooo!!! Thank you for sharing our precious Jesus’ love with everyone!!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Franca and Dick
Father Dave says
Thank you!
Diane says
Thank-You so much for your new article. It is packed with so much information to
think about. I have not yet had time to refer back to the scripture passages that
you quoted, but I can’t wait to read them. A big book could be written on this
subject, and I could go on and on about it. I will just say briefly that gossip is
a violation of personal space, and privacy is freedom, so it is a really oppressive
form of social control, not to mention the deep suffering that it causes to others.
Father Dave says
Yes, gossip is damaging. I hope you will find my article on it helpful.