Gospel for September 1 2024 -Mark 7:1-8; 14-15; 21-23
Gospel Reflections for September 1 2024
Your daily checklist
Moses wants the people to do something important before they enter the long-awaited land that God had promised them (now modern-day Israel).
40 years earlier Moses led them out of Egyptian slavery and across the Red Sea that was miraculously parted by God. During their long desert journey, God also gave them the Ten Commandments. They describe the behaviors that God said would ensure their lasting happiness and identify them to people everywhere that they followed the one true God.
What did Moses want them to do before entering …make money? …raise armies? …get special equipment?
None of those. He wanted them prepared in their heart and soul …so he read the Ten Commandments to them again!
After all, these are the behaviors of followers of God who miraculously frees people from slavery. These are the behaviors that tell people …who they are and what they are to do.
They would need to know both since they were entering a land filled with pagans that practiced human sacrifice and other violent acts. The Israelites would need to be strong on the inside to stay true to themselves.
This is useful for anyone facing any big event, like a job interview, a marriage proposal, a business client, a housing decision, or anything important about your family. This is a great time to ask the same questions, “Who am I …and what am I to do?” Your answers keep you grounded in integrity, where your actions match your true self.
In the Gospel, Jesus references the kosher laws of ancient Israel that were often only concerned about outside appearances rather than inner truth. If you have your inner convictions set and know what they are, then it is unlikely that any outside influence can affect you. You can be true to yourself among any group of people in any workplace, school, or community. What a great lesson to learn!
School has already started for many students. These readings are a great lesson for young people. Every day, they leave their families for a few hours and mix with people from all kinds of different backgrounds and beliefs. The readings remind them to be true to who they are and how they are to behave …no matter what.
Your daily checklist …You are a follower of Jesus …and you keep the Ten Commandments.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Moses wanted us to know and keep those Ten Commandments and read them twice. The Pharisees were hung up on Traditons and importance of their Position. We see the same thing today by Politicians and. Leaders thinking their importance makes them Special.
The Psalm Sunday says ; The one who does Justice will live in the presence of the Lord.
Jesus showed the importance of Humility, the Last shall be First and We must be like Children to enter the Kingdom of God.
Hard to believe and understand for those thinking they are better than others, but brilliant
If Meditated upon.. Our Catholic Faith shows us the importance of what Jesus Taught.
Well said!
Not just the Ten Commandments , but also the 8 beatitudes.
Then that Jesus’s mission was all about love.
Thanks be to God
I agree Jane The Beatitudes are an important part of our Catholic Faith, Thanks!
Yes, indeed.
Thank you, Fr. Dave for your heartfelt Reflection.
You always emphasize what we need to hear!
You are welcome!
Love I am a Follower of Jesus, Love, I will keep the Ten Commandments and love the Beatitudes!!! Beautiful life and its ours!~! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, franca
Thank you!