Gospel Reflections for September 1 2019
No charge!
The world is now deeply involved in many complex trade negotiations. How they turn out will certainly affect prices in our local stores and the value of retirement accounts based on stock markets that rise and fall. I hope all goes well!
Of course, trade is based on fair economic returns. No country ever gives away products for free and at no charge.
Would you believe anyone who said “No charge” after doing you a favor? Many would not. We are just not used to free gifts.
This Gospel presents a hard image to accept …that anyone would give something away for free. Who does that? Do you believe that ever happens?
Do we not often look for the fine print or hidden catch when offered something for free? Yet, the Gospel ends with the story of someone offering a free gift! However, the gift is not money, but love, care, and respect.
Our Lord encourages freely giving of ourselves in love to people around us and especially to those who cannot possibly repay our generosity of love and care to them.
Today’s world trade negotiations hope to bring economic prosperity to every area of the world, especially to those countries most in need. The Catholic Church has already been in those poorest countries for many years, building schools, hospitals, and offering the love of God for spiritual prosperity to everyone …and at no charge.
We bring Christ to every area of the world, especially the poorest places, precisely because we believe the presence of Christ in the hearts of people anywhere will make their lives happier. We go to those places not to get something for us in return …but to offer a happier life for them!
That anyone would ever offer something for the good of another at no cost seems hard to believe, yet people do so all the time for those they love. Parents do all kinds of wonderful things for their kids every day …and without ever submitting a bill! They are simply glad to sacrifice a lot to make the lives of their children happier. This Gospel affirms that kind of love. Those parents are heroes.
We are happy to support any effort to make Our Lord present in our world, since we know that amazing divine presence of Jesus is the ultimate source of true and lasting happiness …and it comes with no charge!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
When lisrening to the Gospel, it reminded me of where my heart is, Do I want to be number one. I think it is a problem we have but looking at the Lords view we all are number one. It reminds me that at all times I need to sit back and know that my security is in Our Lord and not what people think. Rembering that Christ put himself down for us so can I do the same and not be number one.
Dear Father Dave,
This Gospel message and your reflection is especially meaningful in so many ways.
Generosity of spirit with a loving attitude is the same as opening our arms to Jesus and letting Him into our lives.
You, Father Dave, demonstrate this so well in so many ways, including your weekly messages to all of us. Putting these articles together takes effort, time, and a great deal of thought.
Hopefully, we learn by example!
A question: In our daily interactions with loved ones, friends, and even strangers, can too much generosity backfire and turn into enabling?
I believe it can. So when is the line drawn? Is not enabling the opposite of love? I would guess yes but within that question rests a deeper one.
Didn’t Christ’s death on the cross enable us to love deeper and find our way to salvation?
Ah … It’s safe to assume that we grow old too fast, too soon.
God bless you and all that you do.
Kathleen A.
Your question is a good one, about how to discern love from enabling. It calls for wisdom to know the difference. Since love is freely choosing behavior that truly helps another person, wisdom begins with an honest assessment about what the other person truly needs for their own good. What behavior will be truly good for them? That is a judgment call, and sometimes we make mistakes, usually because we don’t know the person well, or don’t take the time to reflect on the kind of help we are giving. You can always readjust your behavior if you think you are doing too much for someone. Hope that helps!
Well said!
True love seeks the good of the beloved without condition, pride, or looking for the same in return. God knows how much of a struggle this is for us to do this in return. This is why His love is “an offer [we] can’t refuse.” 😊
Well said!