Gospel for October 8 2023 – Matthew 21: 33-43
Gospel Reflections for October 8 2023
You want change!
Maybe you want different political policies, or new economic programs, or an end to the Ukraine war.
All are good causes, but how you make these changes is important. Today’s Gospel offers a successful path that is intelligent, peaceful, and non-violent.
A farmer owns great farmland. That was the most valuable thing a person could have at that time. Fertile land meant a great harvest, and since devastating famines were frequent, productive land was cherished.
A good farmer would focus his efforts carefully to ensure his land provided food for his family. That kind of intelligent and directed focus is effective.
Unfortunately, this farmer places bad tenants in charge …who soon neglect their work. They wanted a change in how things were done and even mistreat other workers.
The farmer wisely sends messengers directly to those tenants to change their ways, but they are violently mistreated. Finally, the son of the farmer is sent …and they even kill him!
The farmer sent his message directly to those bad workers. That clear focus on how to make a change is important. Change is more likely when focused on the correct cause of the problem. That takes intelligent reflection. Impulsive violence always makes things worse, and those tenants who used violence came to a bad end. They did not get the change they wanted.
Impulsive rioting, looting, or destroying stores that are a much-needed source of jobs these days help no one …nor any cause no matter how noble!
Vicious personal attacks on candidates or even fellow voters with a different opinion also never help or make any useful change.
This son of the owner in the story is, of course, Our Lord, and He was sent directly to change sinful people, and in a non-violent way too. Our Lord deeply loved even those who rejected Him. He offered a message of love for people to freely choose or not choose His path to salvation.
Everyone has ideas about how to change our nation today. Wonderful! Respectfully listen to all views and calmly make up your own mind. This is also a time to especially listen to Our Lord, who knows more about the right solutions than anyone!
The early Church faithfully followed His way, and in just a few generations, even the violent Roman Empire had converted to Catholicism. That is a remarkable change!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Beautiful words Father Dave!!!! Change our country and the world with extravagant love and peace, forgiveness and we will have a beautiful new life with our precious Jesus ‘s love overwhelming our world!!! Loveeeeeeee our precious Jesus and love you for giving our Jesus to us soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautifully!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Guesssssssssssssssssssssssssss who!!!!Someone who dlovesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!
Thank you!
This Reading reminds me of when a kid ,My Dad owned Rental Properties in risky areas and I was relegated with collecting the rents. My favorite tenant was an older lady named Della that would prepare a lunch for me on Rent Day. She had been born to a slave family in the South and had marvelous stories of life as a slave.
She loved the Lord and enjoyed life in the midst of slavery. She cared for the poor and addicted with food and affection. My Dad would never raise her rent and She paid $75 a month for many a year. My introduction to Soul Food was delicious.
Her Happiness and Positive Attitude was contagious.
Tis a shame those tenant Farmers were so avaricious and driven by greed to injure and kill the landlords rent collectors. A terrible price is paid for such actions both now and for Eternity.
What a great story! Thank you for sharing this amazing memory of speaking to a child of a slave family, and yet remained so positive and faith-filled.