Gospel Reflections for October 7 2018
Adam & Eve get married
I always have the best place at every wedding. I stand right in front of the Bride and Groom, and can also see every face in the Church as well. I see amazing things!
I see all the wedding guests as they arrive. Non-Catholic guests look around a lot, perhaps their first time in our Church. Others talk quietly with friends or spend time in prayer. Some think only of the reception!
I also see almost everyone do the exact same thing at the same time. They stare straight ahead and their eyes tear up. Why do they act this way? It happens when the Bride and Groom say their wedding vows. I feel fortunate to see all those faces!
They are hearing the most amazing words anyone can ever say to another person. No other combination of words says as much as the Catholic marriage vows. “I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, I will love you and honor you …all the days of my life!” God designed us to be inspired by that total commitment …and it shows on your face.
Both Bride and Groom says the same vows so they are equal in the marriage. One is never the boss of the other, but must work out arrangements out of authentic love and mutual respect. Each offers their own unique talents for the happiness of the other.
Love is not about taking, but freely giving. This is the meaning of the Adam and Eve story, and what it means to be a human person.
Jesus reaffirms our purpose in today’s Gospel …to know your own life well and then offer it for the authentic happiness of another. This Gospel speaks to many issues today in Hollywood and politics where relationships have often gone bad.
Certainly safety or the threat of violence are valid reasons for a legal divorce. (See my article, Divorce and Remarriage). The Church annulment process seeks only to discover the truth of each unique situation.
We always hope wedding vows will last, but just in case couples need help, Jesus designed a reminder every week …at Mass, when He affirms His lasting commitment to us in words that are almost identical to the wedding vows.
“This is my Body and Blood, my entire life, and it is given for your lasting happiness!”
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
How beautiful.
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave, this is so beautiful. Thank you for writing it you certainly have a gift. My husband went to Heaven in 2003 on October 22 and we loved each other dearly all through the years with 5 children and their growing up and difficult times now and then. What you wrote is so perfect in this day in age and your words inspire people as they go through this journey together.
God bless you we are happy you are with us at S. Brunos.
Stephanie Toland
Thank you so much for your very generous comments! I appreciate them.
“…almost identical to the wedding vows. “This is my Body and Blood, my entire life, and it is given for your lasting happiness!””
Nice segue. Perfect
You are welcome!
Father Dave, Your words are so precious and beautiful!!!When life is centered on Jesus’ love, it is sooooooooooooooooooo beautiful, in marriage, in the priesthood, in single life!! DSick and I are sooooooooooooooooosooooooooooooooooooooooooooo blessed to have the gift of each other , the gift of our children and grand children and the gift of you who gives us the gift of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist!!! Life is sooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!! We love it and we want to make life beautiful for others with our Jesus living in their heart!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
Your “ring-side” view of a bride and groom … their families and friends … is precious.
It offers meaningful insight.
Thank you for sharing that.
God bless.
You are welcome!
Father Dave, many thanks.
Father Dave, many thanks for your comments hit home. This October 31 my wife & I took our vows 59 years ago.
God Bless
You are very welcome. I am sure the 29th will be a meaningful day!