Gospel Reflections for October 29 2017
Jesus keeps it simple and easy
The Bible is a big book, and not easy to read. Maybe you have felt frustrated by difficult verses there. You are not alone. Many people have felt the same way, including those in today’s Gospel!
They come to Jesus as one who might have an answer. They are sincere people who want to do the right thing, but feel overwhelmed by obscure scriptural verses. They knew that Jesus had amazing wisdom, cured people of sickness, walked on water, and even raised people from the dead. They knew He was of God.
They simply ask, “What does God want us to do?” Jesus simply responds that we are to Love God, love others, and love ourselves. You cannot get more simple than that!
You are loving when you commit your entire self for some good cause. Whenever you throw ourselves into a cause that is large enough, noble enough, and is of God, good things happen.
Love describes who Jesus is and why He is here. When you love God, others, and yourself, as He loves, you slowly discover yourself as profoundly happy. Jesus adds that you should hold nothing back! You must love with all your heart, mind, and soul. Whenever you are completely dedicated to something or someone that is of God, like your family and loved ones, charitable causes, or perhaps your own vocation in life, only good can come from it.
That is why the church is here; to make it easy to meet the Lord, because it is His life within you that will enable you to love as God loves you. That is the only love that truly and deeply satisfies.
That is also why we have The University Series adult education program during Lent; so that your knowing the Lord more will help you love as he loves.
That is why we have the new FORMED.ORG video app as well for your enjoyment. Download the app on your phone or computer and enter our parish code: PJC7XJ. Enjoy what you will discover there!
That is why we have our School, Religious Education, and Youth programs too, so that our young people can meet the Lord while learning about the world around us.
What is the simple answer to life? Love Jesus, Others, and Yourself. Those words each begin with letters that spell J.O.Y. Easy to remember!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Hello Fr. Dave!
They are moving you farther away. Is your show with Joe Sikorra still at that time and station now that things have changed with Catholic radio? I will check to see. Unfortunately, I am not always able to catch the evening show.
Your reflection hit the spot for me. I am now 82 yrs old, and although I can’t do a lot of active things anymore, my ministry at the prison works well with my energy level.
Yes, good things really happen all the time. God takes the mustard seed and whalla…..we have a giant oak tree! The inmates are very receptive to hearing about how much God loves them. It changes hearts of stone. Yep, good things happen!
Take good care, I keep you in my prayers. Please remember the inmates at California Men’s Colony, San Luis Obispo in yours.
God bless you in your ministry,
Thanks for your message! Yes, my radio program is still on Monday through Thursday from 6pm to 7pm on AM Radio station 930. I will keep your ministry in my prayers for sure. You are wonderful to be there for them!
Father Dave, Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, your saying Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jesus., Others and Yourself!!!! and I feel in my heart these words will always bring us JOY!!!!!
Loveeeeeeee our precious Jesus saying ” I give you a new commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you!!!!The center and meaning to our life is to LOVE as Jesus loved!!! Loveeeeeeeee our beautiful God who gave us life,Love our precious Jesus who taught and lived the meaning of Love and Love our affectionate Blessed Mother who is forever leading us to Jesus and is our loving Mother of love!!!! and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you for teaching us to love!!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thanks you!
Thank you, Father Dave. It is a simple notion, but not an easy one. It was not easy for Jesus to die on the cross for love of us. It reminds me of a song we sang on the Cursillo weekend:
I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart (Where?)
Down in my heart (Where?)
Down in my heart
I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay
And I’m so happy
So very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart (down in my heart)
And I’m so happy
So very happy
I have the love of Jesus in my heart
I am convinced that joy comes from the love of Jesus and vice versa.
Pope Benedict used to say that the greatest sign of the presence of Our Lord in a person is the experience of joy. The song says it all!
Wonderful reflection Fr. Dave!! JOY, to love Jesus, love others, and love ourselves as God loves us!! So simple and true.
I just got back from Our Lady of Sorrows in S.B., where Bishop Robert Barron spoke to us about the Mass.
He said if we truly understood the mass, than the 70% of missing catholics would show up to the mass.
God doesn’t need our sacrifice, We do!! God is most fully present to us in the Eucharist at mass. The priest
(represents Christ in persona ) as he offers back to the Father, Christ himself, all of Humanity, and all of Creation. We receive back from the Father the REAL PRESENCE of Christ in the Eucharist. Even though we killed God, He returned to us in forgiving Love.
I hope that I was close to Bishop Barron’s message, as I am but a simple disciple of Christ.
Jane Maiello
I think you understood Bishop Barron’s message perfectly!
Wonderful reflection. AsI also reflect (for 5 years) onthe Torah and Sunday readings. God’s love for us and how much he desires for us to pass it on. The first two commandments tell it all.
In the Old Testament it shows that, even at times whenGod wouldhave liked to, God still never gave up onhumanity. AFTER ALL, WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP……
Good morning Father Dave,
How simple to explain to my grandchildren, three simple letters that my 4 and 6 year old can read, and yet so profound and deep concept to explain and comprehend, and live day by day actions. I’ve cemented that JOY in my heart so my grandkids can feel it, see it, and later on liveth it themselves . How could I have used this 40 years ago when my children were born! I’ve also forwarded it to all my Bible Study Buddies at Holy Cross. Thank you for your wisdom today to start off my Sunday morning.. (on the side – your acronym, made me think also of “smiley” and “whispers,” though not acronyms, but something we don’t forget easily.
A blessed Sunday to you,
Thank you! I am honored that you would also send this article on to others too!
Dear Fr. Dave,
Happy Monday. About Sunday’s gospel, if marriage is considered a good cause, then Is right to say that we are receiving the greatest love? if so, then marrying someone we just settled for also leads to happiness, since our choices are based on our heart’s desire and not from reason. if the heart desires love, then joy must be its gift.
Well said! I think you have written a very wise thing.
Dear Father Dave,
Once again, thank you for your reflective weekly message. As I grow older, I find greater joy in prayer and look forward to Mass and Holy Communion.
I’ve wondered if God allows this as we move closer to leaving this world. What are your thoughts on this subject?
All the best,
Yes, I absolutely believe that wisdom comes from age, and as we place our life in the context of eternity.
“…As we place our life in the context of eternity.”
If this magnificent concept could/would export us.
Yes, I agree!