Gospel for October 22 2023 – Matthew 22:15-21
Gospel Reflections for October 22 2023
Jesus separates Church and State.
Religion and politics are in the news again. The Middle East war pits Hamas religious radical Islamic terrorists against both Palestinians and Israelis who just want a peaceful TWO-STATE political solution, economic prosperity for their families, and religious freedom to worship as they want.
Why doesn’t this conflict happen here? In a letter to a Baptist Church in 1801, President Thomas Jefferson reviewed two clauses in the First Amendment that ensure the State will never establish a religion …nor interfere with its free exercise, leading to a kind of Wall of Separation preventing the State from interfering with people’s faith. That is the answer!
Jesus agrees with Jefferson in today’s Gospel. However the Catholic Church never endorses politicians …who often change their minds, but only affirms moral ideals that never change, and as our true free exercise of religion.
The free exercise clause means we can proudly and publicly practice and live our Catholic faith, and always respect those who differ. The First Amendment would stop the forced conversion to Radical Islam here by any Hamas terrorists.
Jesus speaks today about paying taxes using Roman coins to the Emperor Caesar. He says that Caesar’s image on every coin shows a kind of ownership, so a coin made with Caesar’s image means the coin belongs to him. This ownership idea echoes our creation story in Genesis, where we are each freely made in the image of God.
You are a kind of coin freely made in the image of God. You belong to Him! Your entire self: mind, heart, and soul belong to God.
That means there is no time that you are not made in His image of love and freedom in every relationship. When you leave your spouse to go to work …you do not stop being married! In the same way, you cannot leave Mass on Sunday and then become some secular person on Monday.
Both Jefferson and Our Lord affirm your American freedom to be true to your Catholic faith every day, whether at work, at school, or at Church, and to fully respect those who differ. Thank God and the First Amendment that everyone has that freedom here!
While you can gratefully affirm the separation of Church and State, try as honestly as you can this week to live in a way that shows there is no separation between yourself and God.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
A brilliant reply by Jesus in answering that question. The State needs support as does our Faith and in so tending to that support we manage to supply needs of Church and State.
Roads are built the poor are assisted and Churches thrive.. Special needs are addressed and Society is the Benefactor.
Let us buIld this spirit of cooperation between Faiths and become less combative in Religion and political Negotiations making life more enjoyable for all.
Well said. Church and State working together can accomplish great things for people.
Well said Father, I love the freedom of Religion; but I have always taken it for granted up until recently. Great correlation with this week’s Gospel. I also really appreciate going to Mass on Sunday and not having to hear about politics and the Church taking sides.
Thank you!!
Yes, we should never take our freedoms for granted. Thankfully, the Supreme Court has strengthened religious freedom in a number recent cases, some of them with 9-0 decisions.
Thank you, Father Dave. I look forward to your weekly email.
I understand why the Church does not endorse politicians, but should it not denounce evil such as abortion or “gender fluidity”?
Yes, absolutely. We never endorse persons, but always endorse and champion our policies, such as on abortion or being created either man or woman from birth. We always proudly promote what is good and courageously denounce evil.
Dear Father Dave,
We are so fortunate to live in a free country, to worship as we choose. Let’s hope and pray it remains that way.
It is unconscionable in this year of Our Lord that human beings follow the tenets of hate and radicalism; never-the-less it is sadly true.
I believe that Israel must defend herself. What happened only two weeks ago to babies, children, and good people of every age was relentless evil nursed by decades of reprehensible and misguided beliefs.
Prayers for our world.
God bless you.
Yes, the atrocious and murderous events of Saturday, October 7th cannot be justified no matter politics people endorse.
We are so blessed to live in America!!! We must respect each others Religion and convey Jesus’ Faith through Love!!!We must protect ourselves from evil and Dick and I to stand withLIsrael!!! We must stop terrorists or they will continue to do evil!!!!The secret to life is to live in love and peace and share our Faith and values lovingly with each other but if evil strikes we must protect our selves and others!!! A beautiful thought is to do something beautiful for someone every day!! We must put our beautiful prayers into action!!!We don’t know what an act of love will do for a person!!!!It might change their lives and THEY MAY pass on the love!!! here in America we ARE FREE TO LOVE!! Precious prayers for Israel, Lebanon,, Ukraine for they are suffering so from evil and they are standing strong!!! We must pray that Faithfill leaders will emerge and Hamas, and terrorism be destroyed and the people of the world can live in Jesus’ love!!! That is our prayer!!! We love you FatherDave for giving us the gift of our precious Jesus and we love your teaching us to love!!! Dick and I are so blessed to be Catholic!!! We soooooooooooo love our precious Jesus ,our loving God, our beautiful Blessed Mother and we want to share our Faith in Love and pray that evil ends and we all can live wrapped in Jesus’ love and peace!!!
Thank you!