Gospel for October 2 2022 – Luke 17:5-10
Gospel Reflections for October 2 2022
St. Francis and St. Bruno
This Tuesday we celebrate St. Francis of Assisi, by far the most popular saint of all. People of all religions, and even no religion, admire this remarkable saint who lived 800 years ago in Italy.
Today’s Gospel affirms how faith as small as a mustard seed can have great power. Such was the story of Francis, who built a towering legacy of love, peace, courage, and compassion. It is amazing what one person can do!
He left a wealthy family to live among the poor. He preached by example rather than eloquent speech. He attracted thousands of followers and soon founded the Franciscan order of priests and nuns who continue his work of peace, compassion, and courageous service to this day.
This Thursday we remember St. Bruno, the patron saint of our parish, who died in the year 1101.
Bruno spent much of his early career in higher education as the head of a famous school in France. Several of his students later went on to become pope!
After many years teaching, he was on track to becoming a Bishop, but politely declined that role, and instead chose a life of quiet contemplation.
He founded a religious order of contemplative men and women called the “Carthusians” a name taken from the area in France where they lived.
Contemplation is not a word you hear too often …so what is it?
It happens when you quietly sit by yourself, choose a topic to think about, and focus on it for some time. While that may sound simple, it actually rarely happens today.
Often today when people have a free moment they quickly check their cell phone for social media, or watch TV, or read a newspaper. All of those activities are fine and provide good information. However, they all provide other people’s ideas and thoughts.
Your thoughts are no longer guided by yourself, but directed to “click” on this, or “swipe” on that. TV and newspapers also direct your thoughts to their content.
Bruno wanted to empower his followers with the mental skills to direct their own thoughts in the way and manner that they chose, and not be distracted by other sources. He was amazingly successful, and many young people joined the contemplative Carthusians.
Two people who each made a lasting impact, just as small seeds have the power to grow into the largest of trees. It is amazing what one person can do!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
As you pointed out so correctly Social media influences the train of thoughts of the individuals so we have to be very selective to whom we are listening to but moreover we have to listen to our own inner voice….and live in God’s love..
Well said! Thank you for your comments.
Contemplation is something we must develop to cope with todays society. Thanks for reminding us of its benefits in living and enjoying our lives in a hectic and demanding atmosphere. The Saints knew how to incorporate it into daily existence.
Yes, the saints knew the power of contemplation. They are an example to us all.
You are SO right re so many worldly things to distract us from the “work” of meditation. I’ve always found it difficult to have “staying” power whenever I try to meditate or contemplate….my mind bounces off the walls and constantly needs reigning in!! But I know even the very active St. Francis spent much time in contemplation especially towards the end of his life, so I still keep “trying”!!
I just saw your special Rosary video for World Priest (Marion is our Dublin friend whom we met years ago when we were there for a few weeks). She highly complemented you for your reflections throughout that Special Rosary broadcast! The “Rosary” has become a real blessing in your life hasn’t it!
Laus Deo, Patty
Yes, it is amazing how much the rosary has become part of my life in so many different online and radio formats!
Beautiful saints filled with Jesus Love!!! Love St. Francis, Love St. Bruno!!! We are soooooooooo blessed with our precious Faith!!! Live LOVE!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and dick
Thank you!