Gospel for October 18 2020 – Matthew 22:15-21
Gospel Reflections for October 18 2020
Jesus separates Church and State.
Religion and politics are in the news again. The Supreme Court nomination process has made religious freedom, healthcare, and pro-life issues front and center.
Some American history can help. In a letter to a small Baptist Church in 1801, President Thomas Jefferson reviewed the famous two clauses in the First Amendment that ensure the State will never establish a religion …nor interfere with the free exercise thereof; which in effect creates a kind of “wall of separation between Church and State.”
Jesus agrees with Jefferson in today’s Gospel, which is why the Catholic Church never endorses politicians …who so often change their minds, but only affirms moral ideals that never change as our “free exercise of religion.” The free exercise clause means we can publicly practice and live our Catholic faith. It is one of the most profound freedoms we enjoy as American citizens. We can always proudly promote our moral policies.
Jesus is asked today about paying taxes in Roman coins to the Emperor Caesar. He teaches that the image on every coin shows a kind of “ownership” so a coin made with Caesar’s image means the coin belongs to him. This ownership idea also echoes our creation story in Genesis, where we are each made “in the image of God.”
We are each a kind of “coin” made in the image of God. We belong to Him! Our entire self; mind, heart, and soul belong to God.
That also means there is no time that we are not made in His image. Relationships are not an “on and off again” event. When you leave your spouse to go to work …you do not stop being married! In the same way, you cannot be Catholic on Sunday and then someone else on Monday.
Love strongly forms you with the cherished image of your loved ones. You want all your relationships to remain authentic and the same wherever you are.
Both Jefferson and Our Lord affirm your American freedom to be true to yourself and the faith you have from God. You live both your faith and your citizenship every day, wherever you are; at work, at school, and at Church.
While you can gratefully affirm the separation of Church and State, try as humbly and honestly as you can this week to live in a way that shows there is no separation between yourself and God.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Thanks For the reminder. Of separate Church and State. The anger and bitterness of the parties in this years election are hard to tolerate. Seems like we are bitter enemies of each other and want everyone to think the way we do. I hope after the winners and losers are announced we can once more be the United States of America and pull together in assisting one another in our daily pursuits.
That is my prayer as well!
I agree with you about ,we ALWAYS belong to Jesus. !!
I was so impressed with judge Amy C Barrett. She is a fine example of a catholic in this secular world. She is so obviously etched to Jesus in her humility & inner peace. That all Christians could glow like her due to their deep relationship with Jesus.
I pray that everyone’s relationship with Jesus Has grown, during this pandemic.
I also pray for peace after the election & not a civil war. PRAY for peace & world healing from CO-19.
Your prayer intentions are certainly mine as well!
Very well written! The separation of Church and State has been on my heart throughout this troubling time in America. We are God’s own and that is what matters. Thanks for your wise words.
Thank you for your kind words!
I find this scripture interesting in that it is close to election and since they were trying to get Jesus to say the wrong thing. I think it is important tat we stand firm on what God wants us to do. In voting we must seek God not our party lines and vote according to what God wants.
If our Government is saying to do one thing wrong like abortion then I can’t abide by it.
God’s Word has to come first.
Yes, it is an amazing coincidence that these readings occur now for our election since they are chosen on a worldwide basis and not in reference to us.
Dear Father Dave,
I remember a story that I loved as a child and only thought of it just now. A person was in his kitchen cooking cereal, something like cream of wheat. When it boiled over on the stove that person couldn’t stop it! There was complete chaos. It bubbled over and took on a life of its own. It grew huge and moved through the house to outside, filling the village. The person was filled with grief, thinking that all was lost. But as it turned out, all was not lost because the cooked cereal provided food for all the people who were hungry.
God bless!
Kathleen A.
Great story!
Dear Father Dave,
I just wanted to elaborate on the above story and say that in no way was I supporting socialism. It was meant to give hope that often through chaos we can find solutions.
I believe as all good Catholics do in the precious rights to life.
I believe that God is the creator of life and the first source of authority.
Yes, I believe we are connected to Him in our humanity and love.
God bless!
Kathleen A.
Well said!