Gospel Reflections for November 6th 2016
Who takes care of the family?
The succession of marriages in today’s Gospel might sound strange, but doing everything possible to take care of a family that suffered a loss was as essential in ancient days as it is now. No one ever wanted to see a man or woman, or especially children, left alone.
In heaven, of course, there is no problem, because there is only complete love for everyone and with plenty to go around. On earth, we cannot take family unity for granted and so we must make it a priority…or it just might not happen.
Good things happen only when each family member contributes in some way to the health and happiness of the family. When mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters take it as your personal responsibility to help each other, your family will prosper. It is not just the role of parents, but for sons and daughters as well …think for a moment right now about how you can help.
Older kids can help younger kids with homework, or household chores, and younger kids can also help in age-appropriate ways. Mothers and fathers help especially by living a simple and honest example of love, respect, and support for each other. All children can look around the house and see where they can help their parents. What possible reason is there not to? You can never take your family for granted, and must actively “serve” your family every day with whatever will help it grow stronger …think of something you can do right now, today, that will help.
You have important gifts, talents, and abilities that God expects you to use to make this world, and your family, a better place. The Gospel calls you take seriously the task of caring for your family members whether you are a son, daughter, mother, or father.
We live in a national family as well. If you are of voting age, cast your vote for candidates and propositions that you sincerely believe will improve the life of our national family.
I have come to understand here at St. Bruno’s that many wonderful people have helped lead successful parish events, and we have more to come! Love is the engine that makes it all happen, and I am glad there is much of that here. I am grateful to all who take good care of their families, and our parish family as well.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Thank you for your fatherly/brotherly wisdom for all of us.
You are welcome!
Perfectly said, as always!
Thank you!
Love your beautiful words!!! You are a precious part of our lovely family!!! and now St. Brunos has the gift of you!! How lucky are they!!!The heart of a family is love and faith and we must be there for each other to grow in love and help each other become the persons God created us to be!! I pray always that our family will be there for each other and also make the world a more beautiful place in Jesus’ LOVE!!!
We miss you and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee you!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!
I agree. If the kids don’t learn this at home with their family – they never will!
Well said!
I was getting to stand firm in our faith no matter who is against us. In this time and what is going on in the USA we must speak what is true and not worry about who to please butg God alone.
I believe that the real test of our faith is times like now when we can ask, “Are we willing to stand firm with our be3liefs or follow the crowd.”
Tune in Tuesday to see how the nation responds. Pray for the USA!
What relevant information for families. We live in a culture that caters to children without teaching responsibility to one another as family members. This very short article addresses the beauty of responsibility to one another in the family, which later can include social responsibility.
Thank you, Father Dave.
I am glad you found the article helpful!