Gospel for November 28 2021 – Luke 21:25-28, 34-36
Gospel Reflections for November 28 2021
Is this the right direction?
I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving. I also want to especially welcome all those who had the courage and strength to travel in this hectic holiday season! Welcome home!
I hope your Thanksgiving Day was filled with great food, great football, and maybe even great political conversations, hopefully always in a spirit of love and respect. After all, there are important political events right now. However, today’s Gospel paints a picture of the end of the world. That puts everything in a much larger perspective!
Today’s Gospel, and this whole Season of Advent, invites you to reflect on your life in a deeper way. Taking the time to see the larger perspective and direction of your life is healthy and wise. It helps you ask the right questions to make sure you are on the right path for lasting happiness.
Is this the schedule I should have to achieve the goals I want?
Are these the good and moral people I should be associating with?
Is this the right direction my life should be going?
These questions are a good start, and the answers will be helpful, but they should lead to the most important question of all.
Am I getting closer …or further away from God?
(God is always the same unconditionally loving person, so it must be you that is either moving closer or further away…)
This Advent Season is a good time to remember why the Church is filled with purple colors. It comes from the color of the sky just before dawn, between the blackness of night and the bright light of sunrise. For thousands of years, people have found this early morning time perfect for quiet and peaceful reflection.
Maybe because this “purple sky time” is before the day even starts that people have used it to prepare themselves on a deeper level for the day to come. Why rush into any day if you don’t know why you are doing …whatever it is that you are doing!
Sunday Mass is also a perfect one-hour event each week that deeply connects you with the God of the universe and the loving creator of the very life you have. I hope the Sundays of Advent will help re-orient yourself so that you can celebrate Christmas, and especially start the New Year with confidence, courage, hope, and, above all …a spirit of joy!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Advent is a great time of year where we begin a whole new Liturgical year. New Sunday Prayer Books, Different numbers for those songs we sing and preparation for the coming of Christ in Christmas. The readings at Daily Mass from the Prophet Daniel were indeed dramatic. And a bit alarming.
I welcome the new beginning with a desire to improve my Spiritual life within the Faith I have learned to cherisn.
You understand the Season of Advent perfectly!
Dear Father Dave,
Once again, thank you for your spiritual guidance and logical, common-sense reasoning.
We really never know from day-to-day when our own lives will end on this earth. I had a good scare this week and spent a few days in the hospital. It wasn’t until this morning that I realized that if I hadn’t sought medical attention when I did, I might not be here writing this message. I’m so grateful for God’s intervention though the decisions made by competent doctors and my husband’s support and encouragement.
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
God bless.
Yes, sometimes the intervention of wise other people makes all the difference!
Love your beautiful interpretaions always centered on our precious Jesus and our loving God’s love!!Every day is a precious miracle and Advent hightens our love for or precious Jesus in our life!!! To live each day in love and sharing our Jesus’ love with everyone is a beautiful life and makes the world more beautiful!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our loving God, our precious Jesus, our beautiful Blessed Mother and loveee you for giving us the precious gift of our Jesus!!! A most beautiful Christmas to you and you loved ones and all your parish and everyone !! you are a gift of Jesus’ love to us!!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
I love your questions, Fr Dave!
Getting closer to the Lord, is the one that matters!
Thank you!
Usually I don’t read your reflection til after I have thought about what the Gospel spoke to me. I red yours first this time and your comment about how close I am getting to God meant a lot. Over the past couple of weeks that is what I have been consent rating on. Just what is more important then my relationship to our Lord. It hasn’t been easy but perseverance is what is important in keeping on track. It is a battle but it also will reap victory in the end.
Yes, perseverance is the key to our spiritual life continuing to grow.