Gospel Reflections for November 25 2018
Your cell phone is ringing
Some cell phones have caller ID that tells you who is calling. That helps you decide whether to drop everything and answer, or wait to call back later. I am sure you know people that you answer right away and those that you don’t …or even never answer! How do you react when your cell phone rings? Who are the people that you would drop everything to answer?
The Pharisees noticed that people were dropping everything to follow Jesus …and they resented it. They slowly built their case against Him until finally Our Lord is arrested and brought before Pilate; the scene in today’s Gospel.
Pilate is the local Roman authority and an immensely cruel ruler. However, he sees that Jesus commands a lot of attention from the crowd. Perhaps it takes one in command to recognize that same command authority in someone else. Perhaps that is also why Pilate asks, what at first, seems a strange question, “Are you the King of the Jews?”
He would never ask that of a simple peasant, unless he sensed Jesus wasn’t just a simple peasant. Perhaps Pilate recognized in the noble bearing and behavior of Jesus a man who is supremely confident and profoundly secure in who He was, even while facing death. Pilate even engages Our Lord in conversation, something unheard of for a Roman ruler with a prisoner. Jesus directly engages Pilate too, boldly, confidently, and courageously.
No wonder so many dropped everything to follow Jesus. People could see then, as we do today, that the person of Jesus had the bearing and behavior of a Holy One sent from Heaven, and the authoritative revelation of the Father’s love. He is the Son of God who takes away the sins of the world. He is the One who can provide happiness for our lives here and in eternal life forever.
Pilate would never have believed …that just a few centuries after this short conversation … more than half of the mighty Roman Empire would convert to the Catholic Church …and even the Emperor would become Catholic …all because of the bold and confident man who was standing before him that day.
There is no better person to connect with than Our Lord for whatever you are facing now in your life. Our Lord is calling you today to follow Him even more closely …starting now.
Don’t miss this call.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Will I ever see “Jesus” on my email on my phone…..I only wish 😍
Yes, a great wish. Yet He is ready to speak at every moment.
Yes, Father Dave, cell phones are nice when they tell you who’s calling before having to answer. Even more so, when using texting, which is less invasive. You are not expected to respond immediately. Jesus has been texting us always in a device called the “Bible”. I suppose that we should respond to that text also.
Well said. He has already left quite detailed message for us!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeee following our Jesus of love!!! Love my cell phone for I can keep in constant touch with my precious family!! I text Jesus from my heart and he texts me back! He says” Live my love!!!” Loveeeee it!!!
Loveeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!
Fr. Dave,
Thank you for this beautiful essay on Jesus calling us. He is my best friend and King. I talk to him everyday in prayer. As St. Paul says it is no longer I who lives but he who lives in me. I am so grateful for his love and for my family.
I am in St. Patrick’s cathedral in NYC today. Mass is about to begin and every part of this church with all the people speaks of the love of God.
God Bless
How great that you are St. Patrick’s! Such an historical Catholic Church.
Jesus has all our phone numbers.
His connection is our life-line!
…an the line is always open!
Yes Pilate was aware that the people would follow Him and it seemed he wanted to dig in and find out more about him. The Phrases, however had a problem with Jealousy and it iss something not pleasing to
God at all. It is something that we should be aware of.
Yes, jealousy is the great enemy of of peace!
Dear Father Dave,
Thank you for today’s reflection and analogy.
Yes, I do believe our Lord calls us all the time, His outreach is especially strong when we need Him the most.
Driving home from up north yesterday, I was reminded of an incident that happened a few years ago when making the same drive. The rain was coming down “in buckets,” and I was approaching the Atascadero Grade, frightened to the point where my hands were drenched in anticipation of what was to come. I prayed and asked God to please lighten the rain. When I got to the top of the hill, just before the steep decline, the rain not only lightened, it stopped, and the sun came out, spraying light across the mountains and illuminating them in vibrant colors. It was magnificent, and my fear vanished. When I reached the bottom of the Grade, the sky turned gray again, and it began to pour.
To say the least, it was a thank you moment. Clearly, it wasn’t an illness or fire or flood crisis, but it was a magnificent example of an answer to prayer. We might say that God picked up this call on the first ring!
Hope you and your loved ones had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Thank you for sharing such a dramatic story! You were very blessed on your drive through the Atascadero Grade!
Amazing story! I am glad you arrived safely.
Fr Dave, thank you for this piece of insight into the encounter between Jesus & Pilot. I had never thought of it in that framework before.
2 big weapons of Saton did their ugly work—jealousy & fear!
Also, something else that our parish priest told us today that I thought was interesting is that Pilot is mentioned in our Creed so as to give a point of reference in time as to when the Passion of Our Lord took place.
My prayer for myself & others is that we will recognize & answer all “calls” from Jesus.
Yes, keep your ears and eyes open to Our Lord who is always calling you.
Well said!
Hello Father Dave,
I really like your reflection this week. It is very profound to connect Faith with the real life. In the midst of a busy day, whenever the phone rings, It will remind me about Jesus. This great idea will also be helpful for me to enter the holy season of Advent. Blessings!
Well said! I wish for you a very blessed Advent!
I wish for you a Happy Advent!
Thank you for the explanation of the encounter between Jesus and Pilot. As you have said many times before Fr. Once in the presence of Jesus , no one walks away the same.
Yes, meeting the Lord always changes us, and for the better too!