Gospel for November 22 2020 – Luke 17:20-25
Gospel Reflections for November 22 2020
Jesus the Good Shepherd King
Jesus lived at a time of great civic unrest and political turmoil. So many people felt lost and alone and confused. How like our time today! Yet, despite the turmoil around Him, Our Lord was always loving and caring of those in need, no matter what. His love was real, practical, and effective. This all comes together in the Gospel image of separating sheep from goats.
The First Reading sets this theme up with the image of lost sheep. The people then knew that sheep are timid and rarely get lost, while goats often wander from their flock. For any sheep to get lost, well, the shepherd must be really bad and that lost sheep especially confused!
God recognizes that the leaders of the people were so bad that He Himself will come down to shepherd His people, and especially when they are confused or frightened. That timely rescue is echoed in today’s famous 23rd Responsorial Psalm, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want!”
The Gospel reveals that this same Shepherd comes at the end of the world to see how we have treated those around us. How have we been shepherds to the people in our life? The powerful images and dramatic dialogue in the Gospel affirm that our love for others cannot be just beautiful words or wonderful intentions.
Our love must be real, practical, and concrete; giving food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, and comforting the sick.
Every Mass ends with the words, “Go, the Mass is ended, to love and serve the Lord!” Today’s Gospel affirms that when we give “food,” “water,” and “comfort” to those in need we actually “give it to Him.” That simply means that when we take our abilities, talents, gifts, and resources and use them for the good of others …we are using them directly for Our Lord.
The center of the Mass is the consecration where Jesus models that practical, concrete, and real loving behavior when He says through the words of the priest: “This is my Body and Blood (my entire self) and it is given for you!”
Mass is designed to make that happen for us and to inspire us to live that life of love throughout the day …no matter what is going on.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Beautiful reflection Father. Comforting to know we can’t get lost when Jesus is our Shepherd. Thank you.
Yes, we have just the right Shepherd!
Beautiful commentary Father Dave!!! We must live our Jesus’ precious LOVE in our world!!! A precious challenge and it is ours to live!!!What is love but the giving of oneself to others!!! Love “LOVE”!! Love our precious Jesus, Love our beautiful Faith and love you and all our beautiful priests who give us the beloved gift of our JESUS!!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
You are very welcome!
Dear Father Dave,
This gospel is and will always return us to the truest leadership in our lives. The perfection of love is staggering.
With gratitude for your faithful weekly message….
Happy Thanksgiving and God bless.
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!
Father Dave, thank you for your remarks on the readings and gospel…your message are always insightful and inspiring. Enjoy a blessed Thanksgiving.
John McCarthy
I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving too!
I love this Epistle and Gospel it reminds me that God never gives up on us even when we give up ourselves He keeps beckoning us to come back. Then the gospel seems to give us a responsibility. He gives us a job to do and that is bringing others in and never giving up. Keep planting seeds and watch God work.
Yes, Jesus invites us to be shepherds just as he is!
Speaking of good shepherds, we are happy that you are one of them, Fr. Dave!
The story of the Good Shepherd King is so beautiful that it tells us how much
the Lord cares about each one of us. Since the sheep trust the shepherd and will
only follow him, so too our relationship with the Lord grows as we place our
trust in Him. “I know my sheep and they know Me”
Help us to listen to His voice and follow Him.
Yes, our Shepherd has just the right help we need!