Gospel for November 21 2021 – John 18:33-37
Gospel Reflections for November 21 2021
Your cell phone is ringing…
Some cell phones have caller ID that tells you who is calling.
You can then decide whether to drop everything and answer, or call back later. I am sure you know people that you answer right away and those that you don’t …or even never answer! How do you react when your phone rings? Who would you drop everything for to answer?
The Pharisees noticed that people were dropping everything to follow Jesus …and resented it. They slowly built their case against Him until finally Our Lord is arrested and brought before Pilate; the scene in today’s Gospel.
Pilate is the local Roman authority and an immensely cruel ruler. However, he sees that Jesus commands a lot of attention from the crowd. Perhaps it takes one in command to recognize that same power in someone else. Perhaps that is also why Pilate asks, what at first seems a strange question, “Are you the King of the Jews?”
He would never ask that of a simple peasant, unless he sensed Jesus wasn’t just a simple peasant! Perhaps Pilate recognized in the noble bearing and behavior of Jesus a man who is supremely confident and profoundly secure in who He was, even while facing death. Pilate even engages Our Lord in conversation, something unheard of for a Roman ruler with a prisoner. Jesus directly engages Pilate too, boldly, confidently, and courageously.
No wonder so many dropped everything to follow Jesus. People could see then, as we do today, that the person of Jesus had the bearing and behavior of a Holy One sent from Heaven, and the authoritative revelation of the Father’s love. He is the Son of God who takes away the sins of the world. He is the One who can provide happiness for our lives here and in eternal life forever.
Pilate would never have believed …that just a few centuries after this short conversation … more than half of the mighty Roman Empire would convert to the Catholic Church …and even the Emperor himself would become Catholic …all because of the bold and confident man who was standing before him that day.
There is no better person to connect with than Our Lord for whatever you are facing now in your life. Our Lord is calling you today to follow Him even more closely …starting now.
Don’t miss His call to you.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee followisng our precious Jesus!! We so loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee him and loveeeeeeeeeee you for giving us the precious gift of our Jesus!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
The turn of historical events after the life and death of Jesus defies the logic of man and is extraordinary. Yes, clearly God’s design.
There is so much tangible beauty in prayer and faith!
God bless.
Yes, the rapid conversion of Romans to Catholicism remains an historical miracle.
The. life of Christ combined with the History of the Church is amazing to learn about and study.. the Scriptures of both old and new Testaments provide for a path of life both now and for Eternity. The more attention given to these truths benefit us tremendously. Thanks for your vocation that serves to direct our thoughts to what is truly important.
Yes, the history of the church is basically one miracle after another. There is no other explanation except the work of the Holy Spirit.
The last sentence refereed to listening to His voice. That is why I love adoration. We talk a lot and God ants us to listen. I love adoration when it is quiet because Our Lord does want to communicate to us and if persistent we can start listening as He speaks to us. It is such a great time to just sit and relax in His arms.
Yes, you have chosen just the right place to hear the word of God for you.