Gospel for November 17 2024 – Mark 13: 24-32
Gospel Reflections for November 17 2024
What does this mean?
The Gospel reports some dramatic and even frightening scenes. All are compelling.
You have also seen intense news these last few weeks, from dramatic election results to fast changing global events to local brush fires. How can you make sense of these events?
Whenever something dramatic happens you might ask, What does it mean? That is the right question! God has given you a deep human need to know not only what happened, but what it means for your life. However, when news breaks, there is often only confusion and conflicting details.
During fast-moving events, it is hard to know what is going on. But slowly, with the passage of time and getting more accurate information, a clearer story begins to emerge, and the meaning of the event becomes clearer. That is a key idea.
For example, every painting when seen up close is just a confusing jumble of colors. It is only when you step back to see the larger picture does it finally make sense.
You give meaning to any event whenever you step back and see its larger context. That is what it means to give something meaning. God designed you to feel a sense of peace whenever you find a deeper meaning to things, and you might often feel anxious until you do.
I enjoy aerial photographs and so in my office I have several taken from hundreds of miles up in space. Events in my life have a different meaning when viewed from such a high distance! These pictures help me to put things in a much larger perspective.
Today’s gospel invites you to see events in the news, and especially in your own life, from the view of eternity, the largest perspective of all!
Decide today to look at all events as to how they will help you get to heaven. Always support events that help and oppose those that don’t. Today is just part of a larger plan of God for your whole life on earth, and your eternal life with God forever. This is the time to see all things from the viewpoint of your salvation.
I hope that puts things in perspective and the right context, and amid dramatic news from around the nation and the world, gives you a sense of enduring hope and peace.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Fr Dave,
Thank you for the insight. I also enjoy pictures of our planet earth from space. It really helps me get in touch of our short time here on earth.
We will pray for you as Roman and I arrived in Lourdes today Nov 16,2024.
Good Bless
Enjoy your pilgrimage to Lourdes!
This Gospel for Sunday is very Dramatic indeed. Better seen from space than on earth.
I wonder if I can be ready when it occurs. Certainly if guided by Faith and Truth it will be easier to experience. Interesting way to be ushered into Eternity!
Fear Not we will endure and enjoy the Eternal Life with the Love of our Creator and the Saints residing there.
This is my Favorite time of year! Thanksgiving, Christmas and Advent contain great readings and Gospels for us to read and ponder.
Our Liturgical Year Marches on with us enjoying the Wisdom and Graces contained therein.
Yes, the sequence of Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas is a beautiful line up of meaningful celebrations.
Hi Father Dave: Wonderful insights and relevance as always. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas. All the best, Argyle
Happy thanksgiving, and Merry Christmas