Gospel Reflections for November 17 2019
End of the world near?
The Gospel lists frightening events such as wars, earthquakes, and plagues. TV preachers often use this list to scare people, and candidates always predict disaster if the other person wins. However, wars, earthquakes, and plagues happen in every century …and have for thousands of years …and life still goes on even after every election. There is nothing unique about these events. They need not be frightening at all if you know what to do.
This Gospel clearly teaches how you can face events that may seem frightening to others. Those who follow Christ are not frightened at all by the end of their life! Why be afraid when you know how much Our Lord loves you?
This Gospel teaches that people are frightened when they are not prepared. Our preparation is easy. We simply follow Christ. We live and love …as He lived and loved. Nothing to worry about!
Love is your answer. Our preparation is not so much about knowing theology, or political rhetoric, although both can certainly help. Our courage and confidence is simply the same courage and confidence of anyone who is authentically in love. For example, parents find amazing courage when protecting their children. Spouses quickly help each other even if great danger is near. True love provides amazing courage and competence!
Every word and deed of Our Lord is our reliable road map on how to love authentically. We prepare for the end of our life by always following Him. The only preparation we need is to know and follow Him well.
I am in the beginning stages of preparing our large Adult Education Program for this spring called “The University Series.” I started this in Ventura County in 2002 and this is our fourth year in the Whittier and Bellflower areas. We will have around 60 classes that again connect our Catholic faith with real life. You will discover on a deeper level who Jesus is and how to follow Him each day. That is the way to lasting happiness. Stay tuned! I will be calling for volunteer help soon.
Christ’s message of love has also been in every century and is still the best source of courage, confidence, and especially hope amidst wars, earthquakes, plagues, and even political campaigns. Jesus is the answer.
Now is the time to renew your promise to know Him and follow Him even more. See you in the University Series during Lent!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
I’ve forgotten the exact words of the following quote, so I’ll paraphrase: Be aware for we do not know the time or the place. This was certainly true when we lost our grandson two years ago and true when I recently sustained a blood clot on the brain type of stroke along with heart irregularities, too. I contacted Franca and she reached out to our prayer group. Prayers and rosaries were offered by all of these beautiful people. God heard them, I’m sure. I never felt scared just a little worried that I would have a droopy mouth and talk funny. Both seem to be fine. God may have spared me for a reason. But the bottom line is found in your synopsis …. love. Love on earth and the great love to come in heaven. The doomsday chroniclers need to understand what makes up the very depth of love humans are capable of giving to their children, spouses, dearest friends, and even strangers. I was surrounded by it from the hospital staff. Even more strongly, I felt my husband’s love jump from his heart to mine. All of this was so visible to me and it was completely incredible.
God bless you, always.
Kathleen A.
Yes, love is the answer always.
Love your beautiful commentary as always Father Dave!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Jesus’ words “Come follow me” and we soooooooooooooooooooooooo follow Him in LOVE!!! Jesus’Love and caring is the answer and our world will be transformed in Love!!! Kathleen Auth is a precious friend of mine!! Could you pray for her in you Family Rosary across America for our Jesus’ complete healing touch on our loving Kathleen and for everyone in our precious Circle of Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much!!! Dick and I are soooooooooooooooooooooooo looking forward to your fabulous University series!!! It warmed our hearts to be a part of it!!!! Have a beautiful day in our loving Jesus and our beautiful Blessed Mother’s Divine Love!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee their loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed your special words given at the beautiful Mary Health of the Sick lovely Gala!!! You touch proples hearts and they blossom in Jesus’ Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Yes, I do loooooooooooooooooooooooooooove vowels!!! hahahaha!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Dear Fr. Dave
I agree with your essay on Jesus and Love. God is love, so Jesus is love as is the Holy sprit.
Having also healed from a serious brain issue I know firsthand about love and gratitude about life in following Jesus. Also Jesus was huge on compassion and mercy.
Our parish families are a wonderful place for our love and service. Even our living liturgy on studying the readings for each week overflow in to making all of life full of Jesus’s love.
God bless
Yes, each parish is that practical place for the Kingdom of God, which is love.
In the fairy tale Chicken Little, Chicken Little cries that the sky is falling when an acorn falls on its head. As you say, there are things that happen in our days that hit us on our heads. But that is the nature of the world, and it is up to us, having faith in God and our brother and Lord Jesus, to not react by going around and crying “The sky is falling,” or “It is terrible what is happening.” We know that our loving God is over it all. We should not fear what seems to be disastrous but rather trust in God’s love for us.
God wants us to trust in Him and love each other, especially the poor and oppressed people. If we concentrate on that we don’t have to worry about the sky falling.
Thank you for the upcoming University Series.
Very well said!
I ask myself, will I ever be ready,or is it when I meet the Lord and do His will
here on earth? The more I have Jesus in my life the better prepared
I will be.
The Lord is always there reaching out to help us.
You have understood the message perfectly!
Well put Fr. Dave….SO needed in these times of world and political ciaos!!
We need this reminder to keep our Focus on Jesus and that The Father is
in control despite the storm that swirls around us!!
Yes, exactly!
Thanks as always Fr Dave. I look forward each week to your Gospel commentary. AND we all continue to thank God for the University Series here in Thousand Oaks.
The University Series is coming soon!