Gospel Reflections for November 13th 2016
These are interesting times!
We are just a few days after our national election, the first weekend with our new Church floor, and two weeks until the Season of Advent, but the readings focus on the end of time itself!
The Gospel lists frightening events that signal the end is near; wars, earthquakes, and plagues. TV preachers often use this same list to scare people …and candidates predict the same disasters if the other person wins. However, wars, earthquakes, and plagues happen often in every century …and have for thousands of years …and life goes on after every election. There is nothing unique about these events. Yet they need not be frightening if you know what to do.
This Gospel clearly teaches how we can face events that might seem so frightening to others. Those who follow Christ are not frightened at all. Why be afraid of His return when we know how much He loves us?
This Gospel teaches that people are frightened when they are not prepared. Our preparation is easy. We simply follow Christ. We live and love …as He lived and loved. Nothing to worry about!
Love is the answer. Our preparation is not so much about knowing theology, or political rhetoric, although both can certainly help. Our courage and confidence is simply the same courage and confidence of anyone who is authentically in love. For example, parents find amazing courage when protecting their children. Spouses quickly help each other even if great danger is near. True love provides amazing courage and competence!
Every word and deed of Our Lord is our reliable road map on how to love authentically. We prepare for the end of time by following Him. The only preparation we need is to know and follow Him well.
I am in the beginning stages of preparing a large Adult Education Program for St. Bruno’s this spring called “The University Series.” I started this in Ventura County in 2002 and will adapt it for here. We will have over 30 classes that help us again understand better the way of Christ. Stay tuned! I will be calling for volunteer help soon.
Christ’s love has also been in every century and is still the best source of courage, confidence, and especially hope amidst wars, earthquakes, plagues, and even political campaigns. Jesus is the answer. Now is the time to renew our promise to know Him and follow Him even more.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
With so many perils at our doorsteps, it is comforting to remember and internalize our Faith’s guarantee that there is a Way.
I suppose the world is actually never at peace, it’s just that now we know more about its problems and carry a burden of concern – “thanks” to unfiltered digital connectivity. These days it’s easy to imagine that the normally recurring state of humanity is chaos.
Thank you for helping me center my internal peace during these times of endemic turmoil, even as our nation’s past inevitably becomes our future.
Yes, our instant connectivity does not always provide any wise context. That is still our task to provide.
Beautifully said Father Dave :” We live in love and follow Jesus!!! What a precious, beautiful way to live Jesus’j love in every facet of our lives!! Loveeeee our precious Jesus and our loving Mary of love!!!Jesus is loveeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!!! How blessed we are!!!! Each one of us must make the difference for good in the world during troubled times and joyous times!!! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Faith!!!
Sooooooooooooooooo happy you are starting the University Series at St. Brunos!! Everyone will love it and grow more in love with our Jesus and our Faith as did so many in Westlake,, Agoura, and Thousand Oaks and beyond!!!!!! We miss you so much but look you were meant to be at St. Brunos and also start your beautiful Series!!!You will always continue to touch everyone with Jesus’ love!!!
A precious, lovely life to you!!!
Loveeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Yes, the University Series is coming!
Thank you Father Dave your words comfort me., and more than ever I cling to Jesus and know our new president elect will do right for America and the world!
Yes, that is our prayer for our leaders.
Thank you for your encouraging remarks. Love lasts beyond the End Times.
Our prayers are with you and St. Bruno’s on the launching of University Series. The Series works for me, and I am sure it will work well for many St. Bruno’s parishioners as well.
Thank you! I hope our inaugural year goes well.
Between the Epistle and the Gospel, wow… In what I got at the end, however, we need to keep focused on one thing and that is Christ. Keep busy focused on what Jesus would have us do.
I am so glad the election is over because it was a totaL DISTRacxtion and easy to get caught up in it. We need to be reminded that times will get harder but lean and trust solely on the Lord
Yes, the election is over. Time to move on with life.
Thanks Fr. Dave for reminding and reassuring us that Jesus is our rock for now and all times.
Yes, He is our rock …always.
What a blessing you are to St. Brunos! Because we have loved the University Series offered here in Ventura County for years now, we know how well it will be received at St. Brunos. We look forward to it every year and we thank God for your inspiration, hard work and skill in bringing it to others. You are in our prayers. Carol Bohner
Thank you!
For some, the election results are cataclysmic and ultimately devastating. I’ve witnessed people on social media spouting their vitriol against all who did not vote for their candidate and making disparaging remarks accusing them of racism and xenophobia and asking those who supported our President elect to “unfriend them.”People have also taken to extremes of looting and desecrating our flag. As Catholics, we must remember we are “universal,” meaning everywhere. We are people of varied ethnicity, cultures, ideas and opinions. Our love of Christ is the common denominator that binds our alliances. We must remember that no matter how grim the current situation seems, God remains present in our lives and He calls us to love our neighbor as ourselves – even if we disagree with them.
Very beautifully written. Thank you!