Gospel for November 13 2022 – Luke 21: 5-19
Gospel Reflections for November 13 2022
End of the world near?
The Gospel lists frightening events such as wars, earthquakes, and plagues as signs of the end of the world.
TV preachers often use this same list to scare people, and even politicians predict disaster if the other politician wins. However, wars, earthquakes, plagues, and political changes have happened in every century …and have for thousands of years …and yet life still goes on even after those disasters and even after every election. There is nothing new about these events. They need not be frightening at all …if you know what to do.
This Gospel clearly teaches how you can face disastrous events that may seem frightening to others. Those who follow Christ are not frightened at all by the end of their life. Why be afraid when you know how much Our Lord loves you?
This Gospel teaches that people are frightened when they are not prepared. Our preparation is easy. We simply follow Christ. We live and love …as He lived and loved. Nothing to worry about!
Love is your answer. Our preparation is not so much about knowing theology, or political rhetoric, although both can certainly help. Our preparation comes from knowing how to love well. Our teacher is Our Lord who bravely came to live among sinful people for our salvation..
Our courage and confidence is simply the same courage and confidence of anyone who is authentically in love. For example, parents find amazing courage when protecting their children. Spouses quickly help each other even if great danger is near. True love provides amazing courage and competence!
Every word and deed of Our Lord is our reliable road map on how to love authentically. We prepare for the end of our life by always following Him. The only preparation we need is to know and follow Him well and to learn to love as He did. I recommend buying and then reading everyday sections of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and also the Bible. Together they will provide much wisdom.
Christ’s message of love has also been in every century and is still the best source of courage, confidence, and especially hope amidst wars, earthquakes, plagues, and even wild political campaigns. Jesus is always the answer.
Now is the time to renew your promise to know Him and follow Him even more.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Luke leaves a pretty bleak pictures of what may come our way in this life on earth. He also tells us how to face that which may affect us. The Love God has for us is what we must remember and be assured of his care.
The fear of such happenings affects our lives in adverse manners. That fear is alleviated by
Our Faith and Realization that God Loves Us.
I am not afraid of coming to the end of my worldly life, but I fear for my grandchildren who may inherit a life so much less free than the one I was privileged to have. Having immigrated from a communist country, I see this country, that I so love, that offered me the freedom my birth country denied me, heading in that same destructive direction, and I am so pained. I try to speak truth, to support those in a better position than I to fight the good fight and I pray. I have faith in God, but not so much in mankind.
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for our Jesus!!! He is the beautifu lanswer to all happenings!!! Keep falling more and more with our Jesus and your life will be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!! We soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo love our precious Jesus!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
I look forward to reading the wisdom in the catechism and the bible, during these quiet days, as you have suggested.
Hello everyone,
I was in the Holy Land for our annual archeological pilgrimage with 35 parishioners and just returned. I will get back on track soon in replying to your wonderful messages.