Gospel for November 12 2023 – Matthew 25:1-13
Gospel Reflections for November 12 2023
I am ready!
We are seeing dramatic world events all around us these days, in Ukraine, in the Middle East, and even in our own country. Do you wonder what the future holds?
Today’s Gospel presents 10 people who had made decisions to be ready for an important future event …or not.
Five are ready …and five are not. Some were wise and some were foolish. When the moment of truth arrives, the five foolish and unprepared people ask to borrow what they need from the five who are wise and prepared. However, that “borrowing” cannot happen …and so the five foolish people suffer. Why is that?
Well, there are some things you can borrow …and some things you cannot.
You can easily borrow a dollar from a friend, or other things like a book, or a jacket, but you cannot borrow any of the virtues that make up your character. You cannot borrow faith, or honesty, or integrity or courage from someone else or even any government. These are personal goals that only you can develop by learning and practicing those personal virtues yourself daily, and over many months and years as well.
The foolish ones in the Gospel did not take the time to form their own character, and when faced with a crisis, they did not have the virtues they needed to face those challenges.
You can still learn valuable lessons from their negligence today. Your own character building is a personal task that you should develop every day, and that rules out your ever blaming others for any lack of your preparation or readiness on your part now.
But the Gospel has a happy ending for those who do prepare. When we shape our life in the image of Christ we naturally feel more fulfilled and at peace. The Gospels provide everything we need to face the future. You will then feel ready for anything! That is why Our Lord is worth studying each week for a deeper understanding. After all, most worthwhile things are worth that personal effort.
I am ready is a beautiful thing to say. With an even deeper understanding of our faith, you will be ready to face life’s challenges in a new and better way, no matter what happens in the world.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
The lessons learned from Scriptures at Daily Mass and Sunday prepare us for life here, now and Eternally. Preparation is our responsibility and is essential to undertake seriously every day and The recommendations given in Scripture are of prime importance emanating from the Word of God.
Coming down over thousands of years and as valid today as then, it behooves us to pay attention and follow their advice and direction. Thanks for reminding us Father Dave.
Happy Veterans Day to all that Served.
Yes, preparation is everything.
Simply … THANKS!
You are welcome!
Father has shared with us a rare gift of peaceful confidence for living today.
Thanks and God bless Fr. Dave!
God bless!
Love your precious words and Dick and i are trying every day to be ready for we so loveeeeee our Jesus and want to live His loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Love you our loving Father Dave!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
This is so true and can apply to so many things in our lives with the formation of values at the top of the list!
God bless.
Yes, indeed.
Fr. Dave,
You may not remember me, but I am a cantor at St. Paschal Baylon Church in Thousand Oaks, and was when you were pastor there. Much has happened since you left that I would say has not been for the betterment of our parish. Those who remain here are struggling with the challenges of leadership that has unfortunately pushed many away from God instead of toward Him. Being a part of a church community should not have to be an act of “bearing it”…..it should be something joyful and fulfilling.
It was when when you were there. You are sorely missed ……as a friend and leader. God bless you.
I certainly remember you, as well as your Lynn Road singers that have been in the University Series a number times. I continue to keep St. Paschal’s in my prayers.