Gospel Reflections for May 8 2016
Graduation ceremony for the Disciples
Jesus takes His disciples to a mountaintop to say “good-bye” and from there ascends into heaven. Before he leaves He promises that the Holy Spirit will soon come to each of them. This powerful gift will energize them to go into the whole world and baptize all nations. I am not sure they knew what that meant. What they did know for sure was that Jesus was leaving and they were being sent into a hostile pagan world. Is that good news?
For many years they had heard great sermons, seen many miracles, and even witnessed Our Lord’s resurrection from the dead. Yet, now they are left alone, and with a big task ahead.
I remember a charming event years ago at a parish that had a full cap and gown graduation ceremony …for the Kindergarten class. I am sure they barely knew what was going on, but it was certainly wonderful for the parents to see. As the children processed out with their diplomas in hand, one of the dads, who was watching his son, turned to me and said, “Well, I guess he has to get a job now!”
Maybe the disciples felt the same weight of responsibility. The Holy Spirit finally did come upon them while huddled together in the same place where the Last Supper was celebrated only weeks before. We will celebrate that Pentecost event next Sunday.
The Kindergarten class and the disciple stories remind us that there is the time of learning and then the time for going out and putting it all into practice.
For all of us, our first years of learning were with our parents, and today we especially remember the unique and powerful presence of mothers. Whether living or passed on, we want to acknowledge in gratitude their role in our lives.
Like the Holy Spirit, the true role of a mother is to prepare a child to venture out into the world. Every mother must often say a form of “good-bye” to their child…at the first day of school, at the first high school date, at going off to college, at marriage, and perhaps their moving to another town. So it was with Our Lord and the disciples in Jerusalem.
Mothers hope that their lessons, conversations, and example will help their children in the new world their children have chosen. So it is with mothers, and so it is with Our Lord as He send his disciples forth.
Stay tuned for next week when the Holy Spirit reveals a source of power that never says “good-bye!”
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Image: Original Photo Modified and used with Creative Commons License
Fr. Dave,
Very fitting and touching Mother’s Day Message. I’m forwarding it to MiMi and my daughter Amy!
Great! I hope they like it.
Seeing Kindergarten children dressed in graduation gowns is certainly a heart touching event. I recall one such event when we were living in Granada Hills and our children were enrolled in the Poverello of Assisi Preschool in San Fernando. I thought the graduation was outrageously cute. We didn’t think to arrange job interviews for them though. I guess anything is possible–look at Shirley Temple!
The Franciscan Sisters who run the school are doing a great job. They should all have the title of “mother” considering the dedicated, unselfish work that they do. Happy Mother’s Day to them and to all the mothers who work so hard to raise their children.
Thank you for your insightful commentary.
I have given many retreats there and I agree that the Sisters there are wonderful hosts.
Dear Fr Dave,
I love how you are able to draw analogies to help us think through many of the mysteries of the Gospel and to bring them to our times. I think you are so right that the Apostles mostly knew that they were being left alone and did not know what that would mean but the big event was the coming of the Holy Spirit! Allelluia! And the Holy Spirit Is still with us but sadly I don’t see many invoking HIm and they are missing out! Blessings!
Happy Pentecost day!
There are more wonderful people responding to the Holy Spirit than you may be aware of. I am always inspired at the number of good people who do.
great comments. with the university classes it helps in learning more about yur faith to tell others. many have not known how to ansswer some of the comments that are being made because we don’t know the answers.
one of the scriptures also says to ‘study to show yourself approved’. i was at an inter-denominational meeting the other day when someone made comments about peter not being the 1st pope and communion not being the real presence. he was an elderly man and i just stopped him reminding him he wasn’t to talk against other Chritian faiths at that meeting. know i know this is going to suprise you, but i decided that it would be throwing pearls before swine and kept my mouth shut. i will be seeing him again and we will talk privately.. However, I did share about unity in the body of Christ that was needed to fight what is going on in our country. Just like Worle War II when people put deown their prejudices and slept in the same bunker to win the war. That is what we need to do as Chritians. They all went quiet.
Why not just simply direct him to my website at daveheney.com where he can read all my articles on our faith.
Fr Dave
Your mother Bea certainly blessed you
with much wisdom and love!
She was a truly wonderful woman.
Today’s a great day to celebrate all of our mothers!
Thanks always for your inspiring words!
Thank you so much for remembering my mother! She was endowed with tremendous wisdom for sure!
Shirley Elsea & I walked all over Haarlem, Netherlands yesterday looking for a Catholic Church. There was a huge cathedral, Lutheran, & tho bells chimed we couldn’t find an open entrance & were tol the Catholic Church was out of town. We decided the Holy Spirit within us was more than enough for the day, as ALWAYS!
Kathy Jones
The Netherlands has seen a great decline in Christianity. They will need fearless apostles to rekindle the faith there.
Great analogy….wouldn’t have ever thought of it that way!
Also, love your visuals on your blog (as an artist I can really
appreciate your professional work!).
Bob and I look forward to passing by to get you
for Legatus! Blessings, Patty
Thank you!
Love your commentary Father Dave!!! It reminded me of the precious years I taught Kindergarten at St. Judes!!!Our theme was to love, care and share as Jesus did!!!I see 30 year olds and they see me and they say Love, Care, Share and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!! They know I will always be there for them God gave us a most beautiful, precious family whom we raised with soooooo much love and faith!! We are here for them always to love, help guide and lead them to Heaven!!!Jesus gave the apostles the Holy Spirit after he left so that He might alwys be with them and we too will alwys be there for our family, and student, and friends after they begin a new and exciting life!!!!Jesus knew the essance of life to love always and never stop!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Well said!