Gospel for May 7 2023 – John 14:1-12
Gospel Reflections for May 7 2023
Archaeology tells a story of love
Today’s Gospel is probably proclaimed more often than any other, mainly because families often choose it …at funerals.
When Jesus mentions that “In my Father’s House there are many mansions” and that “I am preparing a place for you” and then “I will come back and take you to myself,” people today hear that as a message about going to our final “home” in heaven.
Archaeology tells a different story, for it is actually about …a wedding! In those days, a groom would first prepare his house to receive his bride. On the wedding day, he would walk across the village to her house and escort her back through the streets and into his own house. That was actually the entire wedding ceremony! Of course, a big reception would follow …and for several days too!
The main Bible image for our relationship with God is also a marriage. After all, the Bible starts with a marriage of Adam and Eve, and ends with a marriage feast in the Book of Revelation. In the Bible, God is the Groom, and the Church is the Bride.
So just how do we relate to God? …as a loving spouse! Our behavior should be loyal, loving, committed, faithful, honest, sincere, and always helpful. Happy couples live that way no matter where they are, no matter when, and no matter who they are with.
This Gospel is not at all about the end of life at a funeral , but the very beginning of our love for the Lord.
Next week is Mother’s Day, and remembers the very beginning of your life with your mother. No matter how things turned out later, that is your very first relationship. Your mother loved and cared for you when you were completely helpless as a newborn baby and long before you could do anything in return.
Next Sunday is the day you can return that love in special ways, in words of affection for those mothers still with us, or prayers for those who have passed on.
Love is entirely about sincerely doing good for another, for helping others be the person God calls them to be. You hear that love in the central words of the Mass every Sunday, “This is my Body and Blood …given for you!” Let us offer that self-giving love especially today and especially in marriages and families.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Watching the Coronation this morning from England , I noticed that it takes place in a Cathedral where He is disrobed and to give him humility then clothed in a gold robe. Anointed with Oil and led through recitation’s of words making Him a King.
Much different from our making of a President of the United States.
God Save the King is shouted and sung and hordes of people gather to see the Royal Family exit on a balcony.
People of all Faiths are welcome and great respect given to Faith in God. Very little separation of Church and State. We seem to avoid all mention of Religion in State affairs, schools and other affairs which I think is a Mistake.
Yes, it was good to see how much religion was included in his coronation. Good for all the world to see!
Thank you Fr Dave for recounting the many ways we can show our love
for others. Sometimes we forget and go our own way without thinking.
We need all the help we can get, especially in these troublesome times..
With Jesus in us through the ups and downs of daily living that come our way,
we are in a better place to see Him in His glory.
Well said!
Thanks Fr. Dave, for the new insight regarding this scripture passage. Beautiful.
You are most welcome!