Gospel Reflections for May 31 2020
Time to burst out of the room!
This Gospel begins with the disciples locked inside a room in fear from the same dangerous people outside who crucified Jesus.
Yet Jesus comes before them anyway. Jesus can enter any locked room where people are gathered in fear, and He has certainly been with you during this entire quarantine time.
We are now planning for the slow (not bursting!) opening of our church. Stay tuned to your local parish for the latest information.
This is also the traditional time for school Graduation Commencement ceremonies. The word “commencement” is a perfect name. Students begin a new stage in their life. They leave their old familiar school for their next higher level of learning.
Since mid-March, you have also been in a kind of “school” having to learn new words and procedures: Coronavirus, Social Distancing, Masking, and Stay At Home Orders.
What is miraculous is that the whole world freely enrolled in this Covid-19 school! Never before in all of human history has there ever been this much global unity for a good cause! People everywhere followed all of the now familiar procedures.
Laboratories around the world especially worked together for a cure. If we have a vaccine …then it doesn’t matter if you get the virus!
Now you are in your own Commencement Time preparing to leave this quarantine school for the open world, and the next level of learning. What are the rules for large gatherings, like sports arenas, or our Church? This gradual opening up time will be …gradual and ever changing, so please stay tuned.
Our students, and even you might ask, “How can I face an uncertain future?” The disciples experienced the answer at Pentecost which is the same answer for you. Only with the power, courage, and strength of the Holy Spirit! On their own …the disciples were locked away in fear. With the Holy Spirit …they burst out!
The Holy Spirit will inspire you to always act in love, especially for those most vulnerable and those who need work to support their families. We pray the Holy Spirit inspires all our leaders with common sense to make good decisions for both.
The Disciples burst out and spoke to the multi-lingual crowd, and they all understood! If people sense your motives are only out of love, they will recognize and understand!
Everyone understands the language of love …It is the power of the Holy Spirit!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
Thank you for your reminder of the Holy Spirit at work inside our hearts and minds.
I really needed to receive that “burst forward” news, especially now in the wake of our country’s newest debacle.
This, too, shall pass.
God bless….
Kathleen A.
Yes, this whole event is slowly coming to an end. I am glad of that!
Hi Fr Dave,
thanks so much for this beautiful take on our current situation and what lies ahead.
Praying for you today!
Julie C
Thank you for your prayers!
Fr . Dave
I am grateful every day for the love I feel from God and grateful that you share with us and remind us that with God all is possible.
Mary Jo
Well said! Every day is a day to connect with God in gratitude.
Father Dave, You always inspire us so beautifully in Love!!! Live our precious Jesus’ LOVE that is the meaning to life and our precious Spirit of LOVE will help us do that!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Faith!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Live in Love!!! Have a beautiful day filled with our Holy Spirits overwhelmingly beautiful LOVE!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Thanks again father Dave as always for your Spirit-filled words.
Pentecost is my most beloved Feast Day.
We are all just ‘hanging with the Paraclete’ ’till Yeshua shows back up in a huggable way.
Of course, I am very grateful that my Roman Catholic eyes and hands touch and see him in the Eucharist, and hug him in my fellow humans.
As regards the Eucharist and the Mystical Body, during this time of pandemic, I’ve been profoundly grateful for our priests who, like Mary, Yeshua’s mother, are, for a special time, the tabernacle, and the Ark containing, protecting and gestating Yeshua in the world. What a unique time we are in!
What new manifestation is about to burst forth into our world?
While I wait to again consume the full banquet of the Mass, I joyfully dance before the Ark.
Seth W-T
Thank you for your beautiful message. It will not be long now before we can return to Church. I am very happy about that!
Come Lord and Renew the face of the earth especially renew our love an understanding Of those that disagree with us. Help us end the looting and violence currently being exhibited in our Country. End Prejudice in all areas and leave Peace Understanding and Love of Neighbor.
Thanks for all you are and continue to be.
Beautiful prayer. Thank you for sharing it.