Gospel Reflections for May 29 2016
The Eucharist is everywhere and forever
At the end of June I will finish my sabbatical time and return to regular parish ministry in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
I have finished the book I have been writing on parish leadership and the manual on how to establish adult education programs like the University Series here in Ventura County. (see theuniversityseries.org) Now begins the process for seeking publishers!
On July first, I will be assigned to St. Bruno’s Catholic Church in Whittier, a large suburb of LA. It is a big parish with a large Catholic school and wonderfully blessed with many active ministries, especially focused on young people. I feel honored to go there as their new Pastor.
I can only imagine the thoughts of people there as I arrive. Will our new Pastor understand our needs? Will he listen to our concerns? Most importantly, will He lead us to Our Lord?
Jesus also knows the importance of leadership continuity and He shows it in a remarkable way in today’s Gospel. He had been teaching a very large crowd about the Kingdom of God, but they are tired and hungry and a long way from any town. He knows if they disperse to go home the most important teachings will be missed. He keeps them together by providing for their very real practical needs. He miraculously multiplies a small amount of food …enough to feed thousands of people. They are able to stay longer to hear the message of salvation.
This miracle of multiplying bread prefigures the Eucharist and the spiritual food that we need to always stay connected to Jesus. There should never be a time when His leadership is missing in our life. The Eucharist is the way Jesus Himself designed for us to remain connected to Him.
Although I will be a new Pastor at St. Bruno’s, I will ensure the same Jesus is made present in everything I do there and in every program that happens. It is Our Lord who remains the continuing presence of leadership in every parish, and certainly at St. Bruno’s, and especially at Mass.
Because the Church is now in every place around the world, Mass is being celebrated somewhere in some corner of the world at almost every second of the day. There is never a place or time when Our Lord is not present on planet Earth, and in the way that He designed at the Last Supper as He was about to leave. We remain in His good hands!
Archbishops, Cardinals, Popes, and even Pastors come and go, but Our Lord in the Eucharist endures. He remains available to us in the just way that He designed to be present, as the Eucharistic food that will keep us connected to Him. We remain in His good hands!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Blessings on your new assignment…
Megan was given a full 4-year scholarship at Santa Clara University and will be attending in the fall.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your next adventure.
Kurt Jackie Megan Jessica Audrey Abigail ,
Congratulations to Megan!I know she is an especially talented young person and will do well there. It is a beautiful campus as well.
I will give my very best efforts in the new parish, for sure!
Thank you father for that wonderful exposition of the Lord’s ministry. May God bless you in every endeavour in your new charge at Saint Bruno’s
Thank you!
We wish you a beautiful life at St. Bruno’s inspiring and radiating our precious Jesus’ and our beautiful Mary’s love to all!!! Your parishioners will love you for you live Jesus love!!!What a precious gift our Jesus has given to us in the Holy Eucharist!! To receive our beloved Jesus in our hearts and become one with His love and share it with others is such a miracle of love!!It is a most beautiful life with our amazing God giving us the gift of life, our Jesus giving us the gift of himself in His Holy Eucharistl ,our Holy Spirit overwhelming us in love and our lovely Blessed Mother loving, caring for us and always leading us to her Son!!!!! We must live and share their love to all!! as you sooooooooooooooooooooooo beautifully do!!!
Loveeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Thankyou so much for this insight. I must remember it always. I will truly miss you. My heart is broken. I will remember that it is Christ that is still here with me. Thankyou for bringing me to him.
We too are getting a new pastor at our church so this is a wonderful reminder of what is important.
Bill and I wish you much happiness st St Bruno’s. We know they will definitely enjoy you!
Lots of love
Thank you! I appreciate your comments. I will give my very best efforts at St. Bruno’s.
Dear Fr. Dave, We can never thank you enough for The University Series, which you started years ago. As you begin this next chapter in your life we pray for you. We are a little jealous of St. Brunos’ parishioners who will now benefit from your teaching and guidance on a daily basis. Warmly Al and Carol Bohner, Our Lady of the Assumption Ventura.
The University Series will continue, and I will still help guide it in the coming year. We look forward to Bishop Barron’s wisdom as well as he joins our Board of Directors.
How blessed are the people of St Bruno’s Church, to have you as their new pastor! And then there is the extra bonus of Fr Bill going with you! We will miss you here. We will continue to pray for you and your work at St Bruno’s. Please come back and visit often!
Yes, I am sure there will be times for me to return. I look forward to that!
Father Dave, thanks for all the solid teaching you have given to us over the years. May God bless you in your new parish. We all look forward to your new book hitting the presses.
Stay tuned!
Fr. Dave,
We have been so blessed to have had you as our pastor for 12 years,! We knew the first time we met you we were very fortunate to have you with us. You were always there for us and we appreciated all you did. You remember you were so gracious to come to our 50th Anniversary the first year you were there and we were blessed to have you renew our vows. It meant so much to us, and everyone got to meet you and know how blessed we were to have you as our pastor.
I know the people at St. Bruno’s will feel the same way when they meet you and see what a wonderful caring priest you are.
May God bless you in you new parish, I think you know how much we miss you and also a little jealous. Did I say a little, well you know better than that, .
We also wish you well with your new book, and pray it gets published soon.
We hope you will come to visit us and maybe one day, we can make it to St. Bruno’s Church too.
With much affection,
Henry and Marie
Yes, I remember well that wonderful wedding anniversary celebration! Great memories of all my years at St. paschal’s as well. I am sure our paths will cross again.
Beautifully said Fr Dave. God bless you in your bew parish.
Thank you!
Loved your thoughts on the Eucharist and staying connected to Jesus.
What a wonderful source of help we have when we acknowledge His Presence.
St. Bruno’s will indeed be blessed with a pastor who will lead his parishioners in the
ways of the Lord
The Lord go with you, Fr. Dave..
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
Our very best wishes as you move on to St. Bruno’s. You will be truly missed.
Hoping you’ll still be a Ram fan. Can you believe they will be practicing at Cal. Lutheran !
God bless you always.
Janette and Roger Fisher
Thank you for your message! Yes, I am a Ram’s fan, and from the time when they were here before. Our High School project dovetails nicely with the Rams temporary facility at CLU. We have been in negotiations with CLU for some time about building our High School on their property. They have invited us to do so! After the Rams build their permanent facility in another area, our high school project will be able to include their temporary facilities at CLU into our plans. It is an extraordinary coincidence and a great blessing for us!
Fr. Dave,
I am sorry that I missed your good-bye at the Thursday Bible Study at St. Max.
I have learned so much from you over the past many years. Thank you for your dedication and all of your many teachings.
Blessings to you as you start your new mission.!
Thank you!