Gospel for May 26 2024 – Matthew 28:16-20
Gospel Reflections for May 26 2024
In the name of…
Monday is Memorial Day which invites you to pray for those who gave their life for our country. I am glad it is right after we celebrate the Holy Trinity.
Every prayer begins with the beautiful phrase “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” Why is that?
Whenever you speak “in the name” of someone you are speaking in the same way as if that person was speaking your words too. Your intentions would be the same.
When you start a prayer, you want your words to match the intentions of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So, who is this God in three persons? God is love, and so every prayer must express this same authentic love.
So, what is love? In words and deeds you seek the authentic good of another person, just as God designed what is good.
Holy Trinity Sunday not only affirms how you begin prayers, but also how you can begin every event of your day as well.
Imagine living your life In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit too, and always behaving in a spirit of authentic love for others.
You can begin every conversation, business meeting, phone call, family meal, and every internet visit with these powerful and inspirational words.
Can you imagine how many problems would be solved if your words and actions always began In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Maybe these words and deeds could end all wars. We can certainly hope.
Love can sometimes mean correcting another person for their bad behavior. Nothing wrong with that, as long as it is done with love, which means you sincerely seek to help this person live the fuller life that God is calling them to.
Nevertheless, your motive can never be revenge or punishment, but only to offer your help to turn bad behavior around to good. If they change, then all is well. If not, just move on, as Our Lord recommends in Luke 10: 10-11). Jesus tells us to never let another’s lack of love affect your love.
Here is the plan beginning today. Start every prayer …and every event of your day “In the name of love …in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!”
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Great Idea to start every conversation with the sign of the cross. Friendships, Marriages, Business Transactions, Conversations among Countries and more would be raised to a higher level.
Communication would take on a peace and calm that would contribute to better relations.
Peace and Cooperation would be enhanced and anger reduced. Sounds wonderful. I look back on those Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation when we personally received the Holy Spirit.
I Thank God for those Nuns and Priests that enabled me to achieve and receive them. Let us give Thanks for those serving us. These days to keep us mindful of what they continue to do in maintaining our knowledge and appreciation of our Faith.
Thank you for your very kinds words for priests and nuns. Much appreciated!
It is a wonderful way to remain in God’s Presence when we invoke His name
in what we do.
Thank you, Fr. Dave!
Well said!
Love starting each day, each event in the name! of love! Beautiful way to live life in love!!! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, let’s make the world beautiful for God!! Loveeeeeee it!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Hello Father, I think that I heard you on The Inner Life, today, speaking about funerals. You mentioned a hand out that you give out on Eulogies (maybe) and said that we could get a copy if we ask. I didn’t hear contact info for that, but found you(?) here. Would it be possible for me to get the handout that you mentioned having at your church in California? Also, Thank you for a great talk on Relevant Radio, today!
Yes, I will email the guidelines to you today. Thanks for being a Relevant Radio listener!