Gospel Reflections for May 26 2019
Be bold!
Jesus tells His disciples that He will soon leave, but that the Holy Spirt will soon come to strengthen them. That is good news that I am sure they were very happy to hear!
The early church had serious challenges so they needed to hear of this Holy Spirit support. The surrounding culture was either pagan, Jewish, or even antagonistic to any religion. What does Jesus want His disciples to do in this challenging world?
He wants them to boldly stand up and courageously live their Catholic faith, and precisely in that non-Christian world! The Holy Spirit would provide the boldness and courage they needed. That mission to be bold has never changed.
I am glad that the months after Easter wonderfully celebrate key events where young people boldly stand up and profess their faith in very public ways.
Here at St. Bruno, we had well over 100 young people receive their First communion. As Jesus gives Himself to them in the Eucharist they are invited by Our Lord to promise to give of themselves in love in the same way to those around them. The Holy Spirit will help.
We also celebrated over 170 teenagers receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. They know that it is not enough just to believe in Jesus. They know that true followers of Our Lord must also publicly show their faith in their daily behavior as well. The Holy Spirit will help.
Last weekend we also celebrated our annual parish Spring Fest with exciting rides, delicious food booths and fun games. However, it was also a bold change with a new and expanded entertainment program, but just for the purpose of celebrating the joy of our faith. I am glad to say that it was our most successful event ever.
Even the Sunday night rain did not stop the many people who stayed to the end! I was so impressed at the dedication of everyone there, especially our Spring Fest Team, our booth captains and volunteers. When people believe in the goodness of what they are doing, nothing will stop them! Their bold dedication was clear for all to see.
Today’s Gospel is Our Lord’s call to you to make your faith visible to those around you. No worries. You have the promise of the awesome power of Holy Spirit to be with you always!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Congratulations Father Dave on the successful activities at St. Bruno!
Yes, the world is so much better with the help of the Holy Spirit. In our day we do not have to worry about being thrown to the lions, but there are people who would like to do us in all the same. There are anti-life people and people who would like to rule the world. Holy Spirit, give us strength to speak out.
Yes, I think we are in for some new persecutions, but the Holy Spirit will remain with us as always!
Hello Fr Dave,
So glade your Spring festival was such a great success! And that to hear of so many receiving baptism & confirmation!
We truly need these youth to carry on our faith!
And keep our holy sorority alive daily in all we do out actions do change hearts & minds!
Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
Thank you!
Father Dave,
So happy that all is going so beautifully at St. Brunos!! Our Holy Spirit is touching our lives so beautifully as well here at our St. Judes!!!! The beauty of First Holy Commuions, Confirmations, prolife groups , all filled with our Holy Spirit of love!! We are making a precious difference in our America for life and our Holy Spirit is at the heart of it!! Our Faith is soooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful for it is centered on LOVE!!! We must live Jesus’ love, respond to it and share it with others!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fit!!! Have a beautiful Memorial Day and we still miss our loving Father Dave!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Father Dave,
Your reflection on this Gospel was very moving! Joanne & I are not at all surprised by the examples of a vibrant Christian faith at work in St. Bruno Parish. You had a similar effect on us when we first met you years ago and we were not even members of your parish! We are participants in a Bible study program for both men & women you established at St. Paschal Baylon many years ago. We are not members of St. Paschal, nor is the original & still current leader of the study group. We regularly count members from at least five different parishes at these weekly meetings. Your special insights offered to some of our sessions in past years lighted fires, reminding us of the story of the two disciples who met the Resurrected Christ on the road to Emaus.
Father Dave, you continue to be a faithful witness to our Blessed Lord’s teachings and we love you for it!
Ron & Joanne Wright
St. Julie Billiart Parish
Thank you so much for your message! I am glad that you are involved in such great activities that deepen your faith. The Holy spirit is alive and well!
We are also getting many challenges and my prsyer is that we can stand strong in our faith and know that the Holy Spirit will guide us if we will listen.
The Holy Spirit will be with you!
Dear Father Dave,
Congratulations to you and your parish for such a successful Spring Fest. We didn’t get the rain here in Westlake but the sky turned almost purple!
I wonder if the apostles “felt” different when the Holy Spirit entered their lives … if they could discern the before and after energy of “hearts on fire” attitudes?
When I think of the living faith, I also see examples of hope and kindness in action.
The divinity of Jesus really did turn hearts. We are so blessed.
Prayers for the world.
Kathleen A.
I think the disciples in the Upper room definitely felt different after the Holy Spirit came to them. That they burst out of a locked room shows the new faith they felt. That same Holy Spirit is available to us as well.
To have the Holy Spirit come into our minds and hearts is enormous and tranquil at the same time. Yes, the apostles had to have felt this.
Hello Father Dave,
Yes, the times are indeed challenging, and demand much of all of us. We are in it for the duration, with troubling times still ahead of us, yet the Holy Spirit will guide us in all Truth..
Today I read a little bit about the “Lion of Munster”: and his sermon of 1941, , 78 years ago. He was a man of great courage, and much admired by Pope Pius XII.. We have had innumerable heroes of great sanctity in our Church, and my hero of childhood, while still in grade school, was Cardinal Mindszenty, who is very close to being canonized. He, too,is a priest who suffered greatly, yet remained loyal to God and the people of Hungary. I pray he will soon be canonized,. Deo Gratias. Madeleine Sorensen
I remember the story of Cardinal Mindszenty very well. He was a true Catholic hero during the Cold War against the Soviet Union, and an inspiration to me. I also think he should be canonized as well!