Gospel Reflections for May 24 2020
Our Lord remains with you!
We celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord today, the moment He was taken away into Heaven …although I don’t think His disciples actually celebrated much at all! You might not feel like celebrating either …during this time when our churches have been “taken away.”
The disciples must have hated to see Our Lord leave. Even though He often said He would leave and that the Holy Spirit would come back soon, His disciples could not really have known what that meant.
Having seen Jesus die at the crucifixion and then come back after His resurrection, they must have been worried to see Him leave once again!
This is a timely Gospel for our time. We have seen many people taken away by this virus. We don’t easily adjust to good people leaving, which affirms you should always take advantage of the time that you have with those you love …and never take them for granted.
To protect and defend the elderly and those most vulnerable to the virus, you have had to endure many weeks of isolation and separation from your loved ones and your parish community as well during this time. You are in good company.
On Monday, Memorial Day, we will remember all those who were taken away from their home and their loved ones to protect and defend our country in times of war …and did not return. We should never take their sacrifice for granted as well.
The Holy Spirit that Jesus promised finally did arrive, which we will celebrate next week on the Feast of Pentecost. That Holy Spirit energized His disciples to boldly go out and make converts throughout the pagan and hostile world …and they did so with amazing success! (I wrote about their success in my latest book, Luke 10 Leadership, available on Amazon.com)
They did not lose hope during that time of His absence before Pentecost, and neither should you. There is never a time that God is absent from your life, even during this church shut down time.
The disciples finally realized that Our Lord truly had never left them, and that the Holy Spirit on Pentecost provided the energy they needed to fearlessly continue His ministry, no matter what was going on. That same Holy Spirit is yours for the asking right here and now.
Use this special time right now to ask that same Holy Spirit to encourage you with hope and embolden you with courage.
It won’t be long now before we return here at Mass.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Yes it’s been so difficult being separated. And you can’t be with them. Both parents were in the hospital recently at the same time! We really had to lift them up to God & trust in faith & the nurses & Docs..They truly had angels taking such great care – When prayer was all we could do! So much is faith in him and others.. They are now home & we feel so very blessed during these times!
I am very happy to hear they are safe and at home!
Love all your beautifufl homilies and insights!!! Jesus knew we needed your beautiful words expressing His love in all our circumstances in life!! A most beautiful thought Father Dave given to my heart at this time when we can’t receive our precious Jesus in Holy Communion is ” that once we have received our precious Jesus ,He is always part of our heart and soul!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it especially during this time!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!