Gospel Reflections for May 19 2019
No Government and no rules!
Today’s Gospel and our annual parish Spring Fest this weekend actually affirm that amazing statement.
James Madison, the author of our US Constitution and 4th President said the same thing; “If people were angels …there would be no need for rules!”
After all, if people authentically loved each other as angels do, there would be no crime, no speeding, and certainly no terrorism at all. It is our lack of love that requires rules and police. However, this Gospel believes this angelic love actually happens.
I often see this love among engaged couples, and yet, they also seem to have many “rules” that they always follow.
They always call each other every day, always ask how the other is doing, and always seek more time with each other. Do they see all these behaviors as “rules?” …not at all! They enjoy them!
Their love expresses this Gospel well. If we truly love someone, we happily and freely adjust our behavior around our loved one. People in love don’t think they are following any rules at all. They happily always align their behaviors in ways that match their love.
However, can you imagine a couple on their first date if they both said, “It is nice to meet you …now here are my rules!” …I think It would be their last date!
Some people unfortunately first experience religion that way; as just a set of rigid rules, and so they leave. If they have not yet felt the love of God …they will only see a bureaucratic institution. Yet the Church is precisely the opposite. We seek first the love that Our Lord offers …not rules.
Fortunately we know love is stronger than mere obedience to rules. People in love will joyfully follow very demanding loving behaviors toward their loved ones because they want to, not because they have to.
Everything you see at Mass; the gestures, music, vestments, and prayers are not just bureaucratic rules to follow but rather expressions of our profound love that we have for God. They only make sense if you have already felt, even if just a little bit, the profound and deep unconditional love that God has for you.
If you’re in the Whittier area, I hope you come by St. Bruno to enjoy our annual parish Spring Fest this weekend! This is our celebration of the faith and our celebration of the love of God!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father,
I grew up in Ireland where I live with a God of fear and certainly kept the rules. I was a policeman’s daughter so kept civil and Church laws. But as an adult I was introduced to Contemplative Prayer and learned about the love of God which was strengthened by the daily emails I receive from Fr Richard Rohr. As Spring bursts forth here with the soft light green and bronze leaves of the beech hedge and the clay erupts with the first sign of a spring flower this is “ when I in awesome wonder consider the works that Thou has made”
a very beautiful reflection!
Dear Father Dave,
Once again, you’ve taken a complicated issue, and presented it in a very understandable way. Thank you.
It has taken me many years to embrace my faith with as much love as I do. There have been many challenges along the way, and with each one, faith is there to reinforce God’s tremendous love.
I’ve also learned that a little Hail Mary payer now and then throughout the day is as strong as a gentle, caressing breeze.
God bless you.
Kathleen A.
Yes, a Hail Mary prayer now and then is just perfect
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Faith of love!!! We are like beautiful rosebuds everyday blooming into a fantastic rose as we live and learn and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee our precious Faith!! It takes a lifetime of love to become the person our loving God created us to be for if we love everyday we blossom beautifully!! Loveeeeeeeee you!! Lo0veeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!
Fr. Dave,
You are so right about the Mass. God is giving us his love in the Eucharist. If we look with the eyes or lens of love we are at the last supper or Holy Thursday. God is Love = Love is God. Thank goodness we have the priest to make the miracle happen at every Mass. we might all think about praying for vocations so that we will always have the mass.
God bless
Well said!