Gospel for May 15 2022 – John 13:31-35
Gospel Reflections for May 15 2022
Great people on the move!
The first reading tells a dynamic story of Paul and Barnabas on fire with the love of God and the desire to share that love with all they meet. They make many converts and establish new communities with new leaders who desire the same goals. No wonder the church grew so fast in the first century!
However, the love they shared is often misunderstood today. Love is not a feeling or emotion. Love is a considered decision to will the authentic good of another person as God designed. You simply want what God wants for that person.
That can be hard! Even Paul and Barnabas acknowledge that “It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships…” Opposing love is often selfishness, pride, greed, envy, and many other sins. Nevertheless, all the early disciples were still on the move …and would never let another person’s lack of love stop their own faith, hope, and love.
They all knew the Gospel we have today, where Jesus affirms His mission of love for you, and your authentic lasting happiness.
Today, there is much division over politics, immigration, inflation, and, of course, Roe v. Wade. (See my article on Roe v. Wade and Catholic Morality) Nevertheless, you can learn from Paul and Barnabas to never let the antagonism of today ever change your faith, hope, and love.
The early Church was certainly on the move, and eager to spread the love of God.
Fr. Abebe, who has been here serving faithfully the last five years will also soon be on the move. In order to renew his visa, a new State Department order means he will have to leave at the end of May to return to his home country of Ethiopia for one year, after which he can then return to St. Bruno.
Fr. Abebe originally came here to finish his Ph.D. in psychology but fortunately can continue his studies there. He is a great example of a kind and caring priest who always has your authentic happiness at heart. We will miss him greatly and await his return.
We may receive a new Associate Pastor soon, and will let you know if that happens.
The mission of Jesus Christ is carried out daily in the concrete and practical events of great disciples moving in love from here to there, as Fr. Abebe will be doing soon, and as Paul and Barnabas did so often in the First Reading.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Watched a discussion this morning from Abbot Jeremy from Mount Angel Monastery and Seminary ln Oregon talking on the importance of praying for and encouraging vocations to the Priesthood. Your Associate leaving shows the need in your Parish and we used to have additional priests in our Parish but no longer.
He explained how life is lived as a Monk and it was interesting. We have so many wonderful facets of life within our Catholic Faith. I will continue praying for Vocations and hope your associate is somehow replaced.
Thank you for your prayers that we will have new Associate Pastor coming! We will deeply miss Fr. Abebe and look forward to his return next year.