Gospel Reflections for May 14 2017
Archaeology tells a story of love
Today’s Gospel is probably proclaimed more than any other, mainly because families often choose it …at funerals.
When Jesus mentions that “In my Father’s House there are many mansions” and that “I am preparing a place for you” and then “I will come back and take you to myself,” people hear that as a message about going to our final “home” in heaven.
Archaeology tells a different story, for it is actually about …a wedding! In those days, a groom would first prepare his house to receive his bride. On the wedding day, he would walk to her house and escort her back through the streets and into his own house. That was actually the entire wedding ceremony! Of course, a big reception would follow …and for several days too!
The main Bible image for our relationship with God is also a “marriage.” After all, the Bible starts with a marriage; Adam and Eve, and ends with a marriage feast in the Book of Revelation. In the Bible, God is the “Groom” and the Church is the “Bride.” So just how do we relate to God? …as a loving spouse! Our behavior should be loyal, committed, faithful, honest, sincere, and helpful. Happy couples live that way no matter where they are, no matter when, and no matter who they are with.
This Gospel is not at all about the end of life, but the very beginning of our life with the Lord.
Today is Mother’s Day, and remembers the very beginning of our life with our mother. No matter how things turned out later, that is our very first relationship. Your mother loved and cared for you when you were completely helpless as a newborn baby and long before you could do anything in return.
Well, today is the day you can return that love in special ways, in words of affection for those still with us, or in prayers for those who have passed on.
Love is entirely about sincerely doing good for another, for helping others be the person God calls them to be. Our First Communion children yesterday heard that love in the central words of the Mass, “This is my Body and Blood …given for you!” Let us offer that self-giving love especially today.
Happy Mother’s Day!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Father Dave, you certainly know how to glean the love out of the Gospel! It is a beautiful thought that God is walking us through life as His bride on the way to His house. His house–He is the king. It is not only His house, it is a kingdom. A kingdom ruled by the creator where there is only peace and joy. No need for walls or knights to keep us happy.
YEs, no need for walls or knights at all!
In my younger days, as a hobby, I did video taping. One was a Gypsy wedding. As I waited for the ceremony to begin I video’ d the party circling the hall three times. After they finished, to my amusement, I learned I had just recorded the ceremony! Your story rekindled that memory.
Interesting! I did not know that the biblical custom continues.
Dear Fr. Joe,
I was very touched by Jesus words in today’s Gospel. Yes, I desire to be with Jesus forever and his words confirm it! And today he confirms that He is preparing a place for me. Whatever that place will be – it will be perfect because it will be with Him! Truly, this is how a bride and groom feels for their beloved! This is how I feel!
You have just the right feeling this Gospel was meant to convey!
Hi Fr Dave, I love this Gospel Reflection message. It reminds me of some past experiences from years gone by. By the way, I have two Mission Calendars to give you. Please let me know when we might be able to meet. I am happy to come to you. Thanks, Lance – 818-324-1484
Great! You can call the office here at 562 947 6537 and they will set up a convenient time.
Dear Father Dave,
Loved your Mother’s Day message and synopsis of Sunday’s Gospel. Thank you.
My mom left this earth after an arduous bout with cancer. She was in my home when she passed. At the end, her eyes were fixed upward and she was speaking to someone I couldn’t see and in a language I didn’t understand. One small tear fell from the outside corner of her eye. I left the room for a short while, and when I returned, she was gone. Her name was Mary.
God bless you.
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful memory. I am glad your mother had a peaceful and prayerful passing.
You have given me great insight into Jesus’ words…using weddings and the wedding ceremony to get His point across. I would never have known He was referring to a wedding feast & celebration, and the love of a bride and groom. I would have thought like a “funeral” passage as you stated early on.
I wish to know Jesus better. Wouldn’t He be a great friend?…nonjudgemental, unbias, always doing the “right” thing. What would “society” think of Him? A little “odd” or “too straight” or “a goody two shoes?””
I am sure the reaction today would be similar to what it was then, some would wholeheartedly follow, and some would not. We always want to be in the group that follows!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee your beautiful commentary!!! Loveeeeeeee our precious Blessed Mother, love our beautiful mothers our God gave to Dick and myself on earth and love being a loving mother to my precious children!! Loveeeee our loving God, our precious Jesus, our beautiful Mary and our amazing Faith of love!! and loveeeeeeee having you in our lives!!!! We are soooooooooooooooooo blessed!!
Loveeeeeeeeeee, franca and Dick
Thank you!