Gospel for March 31 2024 – John 20: 1-9
Gospel Reflections for March 31 2024
How far would you go to rescue people you love?
The first Easter was the happy conclusion to a tragic week.
On Thursday, Jesus gathered His disciples at the Last Supper, where he said the same Mass that we say today. Our Lord gets up to humbly wash His disciple’s feet from the dust common to people walking around town, even while knowing His closest friends would soon betray Him.
Next, He travels with His disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane where He is soon arrested and taken to local religious and government officials for trial. All His disciples run away. He is then falsely accused of various crimes and sent to Pilate, the Roman Governor, for execution.
He is violently whipped and tortured and then given a heavy cross to carry to His long and painful crucifixion.
Who would endure all this? Only someone for whom love can never be stopped by anything other people do. Jesus never lets other people’s lack of love affect His love for you. He was willing to go through all this suffering to offer you a path to your lasting happiness.
Today we see bad behavior around the world, maybe even in your world. Do you feel like losing hope? Jesus never did. Nor should you.
Jesus was on a mission of love and He would never let anyone get in the way of His showing it. Even while surrounded by evil people He remained true to His mission to love. That is your task as well today.
Never let anyone’s lack of love affect your love.
Famous saints have met challenges like this in history, and some even died for their faith, but only one person in all of human history has ever risen from the dead. That means Jesus is from God. That means He is worth taking seriously. The kind of love that Jesus offers can never be stopped by human evil. This is the life to learn!
Our world now seems tragically at a loss of love. Thank God Jesus has the answer to save it.
We often say this beautiful phrase today. “Have a Happy Easter.” It means to have that happiness now. Our faith is not nostalgia for the past, but having the person of Jesus with you today. Decide today to make this life of Jesus a daily practice every day, every week …and all year long!
Have a Happy Easter!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
This event we celebrate each year of his Death and Resurection never gets old.. The sacrifice He made to benefit our Eternal Salvation remains as important and Loving as ever. His courage and conviction amazing to recall. I hope and pray that we who benefit from it will be filled with Thanksgiving fo all that He endured for us.
I wish all a very Happy and wonderful Easter.
Thanks Father Dave for all you and your Brother Priests do for us in our Journey of Faith.
Thank you for your kind comments to me, and to all priests!
Most Welcome. You are all my Heroes in doing all you do to Guide us in this Wondeful Faith we Live, Love and Cherish! Tom
Have a Happy Easter Father!
Happy Easter, Gary!
Dear Father Dave,
Your Easter message is as true as any truth can be.
Thank you.
Have a blessed Easter.
You are welcome!
Dearest Rev. Dave,
Thank you for the beautiful narration of our Lord’s tragedy. It makes me ponder of the strength of Love.
Our Lord accepted the attacks of hatred and everything it encompasses, jealousy, ignorance, mob mentality, power, injustice and fear, yet he counteracted these acts. Using His Body he sacrificed it so willingly, as no other would do, to give Love and demonstrate what Real Love is and thus he saved us from the destruction of evil for eternity……unfortunately I have experienced the utmost evil. I see it daily. I see it locally. It lives.
Our Lord accepted hatred, psychologically, physically and even spiritually, yet he gave, gave and gave himself to others throughout his life’s journey and Passion, because he Loved. Absolute Love that conquered for generations to come, and eternally live. It lives……
I must keep his method of exsistence, for our Lord demonstrated it, himself. Using the body as an instrument, for the reason it was given to me, to become a product of caring and giving of deeds.
So shall I wear the metal armour of St Joan of Arc or the tattered hair robe of St Frances, yet I know that my Armour is worn in my heart and spirit and gives me the confidence and strength for hope, hope in our community, our neighbors, our youth, our Nation and world, all needing acts of charity, of care.
Let us love. Hallelujah
There is no greater love than the love that God has for us, shown to us by Our Lord.
“Christ is risen” – Thanks again for all you do!
See yah in SLC soon. John 8:32, JPII
Shalom Aleichem,
Yes, John 8:32, the best verse ever!
Our precious faith is so beautiful!!! Our loving God creates us! Man sins!! Our God sends us His Son to teach us to love, die for us so that we will have salvation if we live His love!!! So beautiful!!! We must change the world by overwhelmiing the world in Jesus’ love!!! The secret to live is to liveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jesus’ love every day forever!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you Father Dave for you beautifully live our precious Jesus’ love and share Jesus’ love with everyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Happy Blessed Easter!!! Jesus is Risen !!! Wew are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo Blessed!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!