Gospel for March 3 2024 – John 2: 13-25
Gospel Reflections for March 3 2024
Some things just do not belong…
Lent is your time to reflect on what belongs and what doesn’t in your life. Today’s readings can help you choose.
The famous Ten Commandments are listed in the first reading. How can they help?
Well, imagine a friend who is thinking of proposing marriage to a girlfriend and asks you for advice on ensuring a happy life together. You then say …“Don’t steal from her …cheat on her …lie about her …or kill her!”
He would be shocked to hear that! It would never occur to him to do any of those horrible things to someone he loves so deeply. The Ten Commandments were not actually written for him …but for those who …do not love, and need to be told how to behave!
The Commandments are not needed at all for those who truly love. Their authentic love ensures they already live the commandments now.
You only want those behaviors of true love in your life and in your house as well, as Jesus shows in the Gospel.
Jesus arrives in the Temple area, which was built as the sacred house for people to pray honestly before God and seek His wisdom.
Jewish people could not use Roman currency in the temple so they would exchange it for Jewish currency at the money changers tables. Nothing wrong in that. However, Jesus notices the money changers have greedily expanded into an area reserved for prayer. They do not belong there, so He quickly throws them out.
Jesus ensures that only loving behaviors happen in the Temple of the Lord, as the Gospel affirms, “Zeal for my house consumes me!” He is quick to remove anything that is not of true love.
What does not belong in your house …or your life? Is there fear, anger, or jealousy? Have other issues expanded into what could be your time for prayer? They do not belong in your life at all. You should be just as quick about removing them as well. That is what this Season of Lent is for.
It may take time, and careful planning, but this is a good time to begin to make sure your life, or your family, is a place where Jesus would be happy to visit.
What is not of true love must go. What is of love must stay …and even grow!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Great Reading on the Ten Commandments and the words of the. Nineteenth Psalm after the reading. Lord, you have the words of everlasting Life. The chasing of the Merchants and Money Changers out of the Temple a classic tale showing that Jesus could get perturbed in certain circumstances.
The Commandments are the essence of how we must proceed to live honorably and in Peace while occupying this life and enjoy the experience derived. Studying Law beginning with Contracts, Torts and Criminal Law much is based on precedence all originating and stemming from these Commandments.
So much of our Christian Faith comes from the Old Testament , we must appreciate all this we share and enjoy that comes from our Brothers and Sisters of the Jewish Tradition. .
I wish more people knew that the foundation of our country comes from the Ten Commandments and other ideas from the Judeo-Christian traditions.
Dear Father Dave,’
I think Jesus comes and visits us often. We simply, although it’s not simple, need to open ourselves to Him in great moments of human suffering and loss to those even greater moments of exhilarating happiness.
I’ve had both experiences.
With deep and humble prayers, God bless our families, our country, and our world.
God bless you, Father Dave.
Thank you!