Gospel for March 21 2021 – John 12:26
Gospel Reflections for March 21 2021
We want to see Jesus…
This Gospel could have been written today.
After decades of oppressive Roman rule and heavy taxation, the suffering Jewish people are desperately looking for someone who will set them free.
After a year of pandemic hardships the whole world is looking to doctors and a powerful vaccine that will finally ensure safety and freedom from restrictions.
It is a familiar story. When feeling sick or oppressed we look for someone who will make it all better.
Jesus sees that desperation in the eyes of Phillip and Andrew in today’s Gospel. He hears that even local pagans are looking for someone who will make their lives better. Jesus deeply feels their pain. He came precisely to make things better.
Earlier in this same Gospel scene (John 1:39) is the moment when Andrew met Jesus and asked if He was the Messiah. Jesus simply replied “Come and see.” What a remarkable response!
Jesus is willing to have His life closely observed by anyone …so that everyone can freely choose for themselves if His life is authentic and worthy to follow. That shows remarkable confidence in the goodness of His mission. It also reveals the kind of people Jesus wants as followers.
Jesus only wants people who have made a free, rational, intelligent, and informed choice to do so. Jesus will NOT use violent Roman tactics to enforce compliance but rather the spirit of love that enables people to choose intelligently and freely.
That freedom is happening right now in RCIA classes around the country as wonderful people who are preparing to convert and receive the sacraments at Easter finish their many months of careful study, often by zoom sessions. We look forward to their joining us at Mass for years to come, and finally in-person!
Much to everyone’s surprise, the entire Roman Empire converted to Christianity in just a few centuries after Jesus. That is remarkable since the early Christians had no army at all! It happened simply by Christians offering the same invitation as Jesus did. If you would like to see if the way of Jesus provides for your lasting happiness …come and see for yourself!
In these final days of Lent, ask for the grace you need to live your life in such a way that others will see the truth of Jesus and His love for them too.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
Thank you today’s reflection on Jesus. It’s amazing when we take on the shawl of Christ, His love, and teaching. I suspect there is a ripple effect, an automatic outreach to those around us.
We’ll most likely never know how we appear to others but with our dear Lord in our hearts, we can believe that His influence will be there to guide and help us.
God bless you.
Yes, I also think that our life can have a ripple effect on others, often without our even knowing. It is nice to think that we will learn about all the good we have done in heaven.
Beautiful reflection on how this Gospel applies to our lives today.
Thank you!
Love your beautiful insights Father Dave!!! We have such a beautul, precious Faith filled with love!! Thar our loving God gave us His precious Son to follow Him in love, live his precious life and lead us to Heaven and die for us is a miracle of intense LOVE !!! Love our precious faith, love our loving Jesus, love our beautiful Blessed Mother and loveeeeeeeee our precious God for giving His family to us and we are to live and follow Jesus in love and attain Heaven!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it and loveee you for leading us to our Jesus oif LOVE!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
‘Lest we forget…
As Lent comes to a close, we especially remember the sacrificial offering
of Jesus for us, when we give thanks to Him in prayer and reflection!
Even though Lent comes to a close, your insight should remain all year.
Father Dave,, I have no word that could possibly express your contribution to my life. You have brought His Spoken Word to the level of understand, to the challenges we face in these times. You compassion is a beacon Shining Shining His Light. We are experiencing challenges these days which feel new. Through quoting the Bible I realize we are not facing new challenges. We’re experiencing the same as our father before us.
I am deeply grateful for your very kind words. I am very glad you have found my articles so helpful. You are certainly right in understanding that the Bible continues to offer wisdom today as it has for centuries.
Fr. Dave,
I really love this reflection. It’s is like Jesus says come on over & see for yourself. Happiness is following Jesus & being open for him to dwell in our hearts.
Thank you & God Bless.
Happy Easter!! It is almost here. !!!
Yes, you understood the article perfectly! Happy Easter!