Gospel for March 17 2024 – John 12:20-33
Gospel Reflections for March 17 2024
We want to see Jesus…
This Gospel could have been written today.
After decades of oppressive Roman rule and heavy taxation, the suffering Jewish people are desperately looking for someone who will set them free.
After a year of political campaigning Americans are also looking for leaders that will bring safety and economic prosperity to our country.
It is a familiar story. When feeling sick or oppressed we look for someone who will make it all better. Jesus sees that same desperation in the eyes of Phillip and Andrew in today’s Gospel. He hears that even local pagans are looking for someone who will make their lives better. Jesus deeply feels their pain. He came precisely to make things better.
Earlier in this same Gospel (John 1:39) is the moment when Andrew first met Jesus and asked if He was the Messiah. Jesus simply replied “Come and see.” What a remarkable response!
Jesus is willing to have His life closely observed by anyone …so that everyone can freely choose for themselves if His life is authentic and worthy to follow. That shows remarkable confidence in the goodness of His mission. It also reveals the kind of people Jesus wants as His followers.
Jesus only wants people who have made a free, rational, intelligent, and informed choice to do so. Jesus will NOT use violent Roman tactics to enforce compliance but rather the spirit of love that enables people to choose intelligently and freely.
That freedom is happening right now in RCIA classes around the country as wonderful people who are preparing to convert and receive the sacraments at Easter finish their many months of careful study. We look forward to their joining us at Mass for years to come!
Much to everyone’s surprise, the entire Roman Empire converted to Christianity in just a few generations after Jesus. That is remarkable since the early Christians had no army at all! It happened simply by Christians offering the same invitation to love as Jesus did. If you would like to see if the way of Jesus provides for your lasting happiness …come and see for yourself!
In these final days of Lent, ask for the grace you need to live your life in such a way that others will see the truth of Jesus and His love for them too.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Fr. Dave
I believe this reflection was truly influence by the Holy Spirit. What a great example hope at a time when hope is desperately needed. Thank you
God bless you
I appreciate very much your kind words! I am glad you liked the reflection.
In Reading about thr times of Christ it sounds much like what we experience today. The Times change but Human Nature re mains fairly constant. Jesus was a unique individual and was magnetic in his manner and Personallity.
I think the Jewish People expected the Messiah to resemble an Emperor or General and Jesus did not fill their expectation. He was indeed much better than. That.
His teaching on Love and Forgiveness fell on deaf ears.
Looking at the lives of the Saints ,we learn that the teachings of the. church are Truth and Light for us to attain the goal of Eternal Salvation. Thinking more of. Others and. Their needs takes precedence and gives us the Satisfaction we all seek to attain.
May we all benefit from these Lenten Practices to better reach our heavenly Goal.
Yes, and it was the love of those early Christians that converted the mighty Roman Empire!
A beautiful reflection Fr. Dave on who is the answer to our problems
Your sign is as a wonderful invitation to see and know Jesus!
May the Holy Spirit touch our hearts to have hearts like Him.
Well said!
Lovely words Father Dave Love to live our life loving as Jesus did!!! Can you imagine our world if everyone loved as Jesus loved!!! It would be Heaven on earth!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you father Dave!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Dear Father Dave,
Christ’s message is transcendent and alive through people like you and countless others who bring us the Word, and the body of Christ.
We see it in birth and death and in our deep love for family and friends.
We see it in Mary, our blessed mother, her apparitions, and gift of the holy rosary.
God bless.
Well said!