Gospel for March 12 2023 – John 4:5-42
Gospel Reflections for March 12 2023
Good heart health
Jesus encounters a sick woman in today’s Gospel. She does not have Covid, or actually any physical illness at all …she is sick at heart.
Jesus meets her at noon at the village well. He knows that women usually meet in the morning, not only to draw water, but to socialize and share family news. This woman has come alone and at midday. The others avoid her because of her many marriages, and that rejection made her a bitter person. She is an outcast to whom no one talks to …except Jesus.
Our Lord speaks first, with a simple request for a drink, but then hears only sarcasm and insults. She mocks Him for not even having a bucket to draw water. She knows how to turn people away. Most people would not tolerate her angry behavior and move on. Who wants their dignity insulted?
However, Jesus knows His dignity comes only from His Father in heaven …and not this woman …and so He doesn’t take her insults personally.
She is surprised …perhaps because she has never met anyone who doesn’t take insults personally, and so she slowly becomes curious about Jesus.
Our Lord treats everyone well …whether they treat Him well or not!
Jesus does not change His love for you based on your hurtful behavior either. He loves you whether you are good or bad. This is a new thing for this woman to see! She becomes even more curious about Jesus, and completely opens her life to Him, admitting all her past sins. Her heart opens and they engage in a candid and honest conversation. How good is that!
Lent is your time to do the same. Like this woman, you can be open and honest with Our Lord about the sins in your life knowing that He will never turn you away. How good is that!
You hear that at every Mass when He says, “This is my body and blood, given for you.” He offers His love for you now in the hope you will change your life …just like it did for this woman.
This Lent, like the woman in the Gospel, become even more curious about the person who loves you unconditionally.
You cannot meet Jesus and stay the same person. Your life will change for the better. Seek to meet Him more deeply at this Sunday Mass.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
We visited Israel on a trip to the Holy Land and upon entering the place of Jacob’s Well all forty of us wanted to drink the water. A Woman in white robes waited patiently for us to finish and then filled her buckets to go home.
Remembering this Gospel reading made it so very real where we were. Trying to speak with her was difficult due to our different languages. Jesus was good at conversation with all those He met and relished the person regardless of their past. Let this Lent make us more tolerant and kind to those around us.
Yes, that is a great insight. Jesus knew how to talk with any kind of person. His love made Him interested in everybody.
Dear Father Dave,
So true. We cannot meet Jesus and stay the same. He is the living water of life.
God bless!
Yes, indeed!
A heartfelt encounter of Jesus’ love and care for the Samaritan woman
and a great lesson for us to be learned as well, Fr. Dave!
We pray to have the heart of Jesus, so we can treat others the way He treats us.
YEs, that is always our goal!
Thank-You for a beautiful reflection!
You are welcome!