Gospel Reflections for June 30 2019
Where you go, I will follow.
In the First Reading, the Old Testament Prophet Elijah is an old man and chooses the younger Elisha to succeed him. Elisha is uncertain and offers a few excuses at first, but then resolutely follows. Good for him!
God the Father sends His Son Jesus to earth and He immediately follows His Father’s will. No excuses at all! However, I am sure the angels in Heaven warned Jesus not to go! After all, Earth is filled with sinful people who are often mean, violent, and hateful …and yet Our Lord comes anyway. He even arrives in Bethlehem as a defenseless little child! How amazing is that!
Our Lord knows where safety is found and it is precisely in following His Father’s will. That is why He is always at peace. He did not worry about personal comfort or safety, as beautifully affirmed in today’s Gospel, “Foxes have lairs and birds of the sky have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
This lesson is completely lost on His disciples! When they encounter resistance in a nearby village they want Jesus to destroy it! They are angry and so ask that fire come down to wipe out that town. Well, that is not the Jesus way.
As Jesus walks, several people offer to follow Him, but offer excuses why they can’t follow now. “Let me first go and…etc.” That is not the Jesus way. Jesus will follow His Father’s will no matter what. No excuses.
I returned last Monday from my annual archaeological pilgrimage to the Holy Land. We had 47 wonderful people on our tour of the places where Jesus walked.
The Middle East today is similar to the time of our Lord, just as the angels predicted. It is a place of deeply felt emotions and conflicting political interests. I have met both good and bad people there, just as you will find anywhere on planet earth.
However, since this is the place that God chose to send His Son for our salvation, I will go there as well …and with no excuses.
Elisha had to think about following Elijah at first. That is a good thing. It is wise to use your mind to consider everything. Yet, how good it was that he eventually did follow, as Our Lord followed the will of His Father in Heaven by coming into your life, and how good it is for all those who resolutely follow Jesus today …with no excuses!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
I suppose it’s safe to say that so often there is a “let-down” emotion after returning home from such an uplifting, important, and historical trip. There’s also a feeling of thankfulness to come back to the comforts of home.
To walk where Jesus did and to reflect and meditate on His life and passion is enormous.
It’s no wonder you return year after year.
God bless.
Kathleen A.
Thanks for your message. I am so looking forward to next year’s trip!
Father Dave, You are a beautiful priest following Jesus’ way so preciously!! It is sooooooooooooo wonderful to walk where Jesus, walked, lived, shared his love with all!!! Our Jesus lives beautifully in you!!!” Come Follow me”!!! Loveeeeeeeeee those precious words and Dick and I are following!!!! Whenever I read those words that Jesus has no place to lay His precious head!! I think on our shoulders (all the people who love Him!!) Loveee our precious Faith and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you for bringing Jesus’ love so beautifully to us and everyone!!!!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Thank you!
Hello Father Dave, welcome back!
Every year Barbara and I see the announcements about the trip to the Holy Land. We pray for and look forward to the day when we can join you.
Thanks for your weekly messages. They are always a great help for me on my journey following Yeshua.
I am not much of a writer but over the past couple of months I put together a small piece about why I believe something that is impossible. I’d love to hear what you think when you get a chance in your busy schedule to check this out.
Veni Sancte Spiritus
Seth W-T
Thank you for your message! I would love to see your writing. You can send it to me at daveheney@gmail.com.
“Loved your reflection, Fr. Dave!
Accepting God’s will can be hard, especially if it hurts…but the challenge is ours…
If we give it to the Lord and discuss with Him we will be in a better place to
handle it .
“His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”
…on earth as it is in heaven!