Gospel Reflections for June 3 2018
You have a lot going on!
Today we celebrate the event when we receive the person of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. This is the most important time of the Mass for each or us, and so should be taken quite seriously.
However, we arrive at Mass often filled with many emotions and pre-occupied with thoughts of our family, our work, or other issues. All are perfectly understandable to Our Lord. He knows you have a lot going on!
It is in precisely those areas of your deep concern that Our Lord would like to help, and offers Himself to you for that purpose of providing the grace you need …right now.
The words of consecration say that clearly, “I give myself to you completely, my body and blood, my entire self, and all for your lasting happiness.”
Our Lord does not consider your thoughts about your life as distractions, but rather as the important things that you have to deal with, and it is in those areas that Our Lord most wants to help with His grace. If they are important to you, then they are important to Him as well!
The moment of communion conveys that message well. He places Himself directly in your hands, or, if you prefer, on your tongue. He places Himself directly into your life and just as you most need at that moment.
Our first reaction must be humble gratitude. That is why we bow just before receiving. Some even kneel. After receiving, we go back to our seat and immediately talk with Our Lord who is now inside us. You are free to kneel or sit in contemplation of His presence within you right away. This is the time to hear what Our Lord has to personally say to you precisely about all those issues that you walked into Church with at the beginning of Mass!
Our faith is not nostalgia, or merely looking back 2000 years to the time of Our Lord in Jerusalem, but rather to His very active presence now, and in your life today. Our Lord means to help you right now, in all the important areas of your life that concern you.
Your answers will come from His example, and offering your own life for the good of others as well, just as He does in the words of the consecration.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
A beautiful reflection about our Lord’s active presence in each and every person’s daily concerns. Our response is a simple affirmation – Amen – as we receive his precious body and blood. It should also be a humble thank-you, which is the root of the word “Eucharist.”
Thank you, Jesus, for being in my life.
..I am going to a Protestant funeral soon and what they are having is a Memorial and they reflect on how great (or not so great) this person was. Yet there is still so little understanding on what our Mass is all about.
Over and over and over again we are hearing the sacrificial love God has for us. Do we need to hear it over and over and over again… Of course we do. We tend to go on and forget many things and need to be reminded. I remember when I was in another Church how the idea of sin was, well it is under the blood etc. But the constant realization that He suffered and died for those4 sins and at the last supper He knew what was going to happen and still without hesitation gave and instituted the great finally. His Body and Blood. WOW are we Catholics really blessed.
Bless you and your service.
Who else but a loving God could give us the greatest gift of all…Himself,..completely
and entirely in the Eucharist!
He wants us to come to Him, talk to Him and be nourished with His gift of Life.
“Come to Me all you who are weary and heavily burdened and I will refresh you!’
What a friend we have in Jesus!
This is a very beautiful gift that Jesus gave to us. His REAL presence in the Eucharist. For us to be aware how much he loves us.
I look forward to reading an article in the near future about how the new US embassy in Jerusalem has impacted the city and the people.
God Bless
Yes, the Eucharist is the most beautiful of gifts! I will be in the Holy Land for the next two weeks, and look forward to seeing the situation there.