Gospel Reflections for June 26 2016
Where you go, I will follow.
The Old Testament Prophet Elijah is an old man and so he chooses the younger Elisha to succeed him. Elisha is uncertain and offers a few excuses at first, but then resolutely follows. Good for him!
God the Father sends His Son Jesus to earth and He immediately followed. However, I am sure all the angels in Heaven had warned Jesus not to go! After all, Earth is filled with sinful human beings who are often mean, violent, and hateful …and yet Our Lord comes anyway. He even arrives in Bethlehem as a defenseless little child! How amazing is that! Our Lord knows where safety is found and it is precisely in following His Father’s will. That is why He is always at peace. He did not worry about personal comfort or safety, as beautifully stated in today’s Gospel verses, “Foxes have lairs and birds of the sky have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
This lesson is completely lost on His disciples! When they encounter some resistance in a nearby village they want Jesus to destroy it! They are angry and want revenge and so ask that fire come down to wipe out this Samaritan town. Well, that is not the Jesus way.
As Jesus walks, several people offer to follow Him, but only after taking care of various tasks, and the Gospel lists several excuses, “Let me first go and…etc.” That is also not the Jesus way.
I am now in my second week of following Jesus in the Holy Land. We have 36 wonderful people this year on our annual archaeological tour of many of the places where Jesus walked.
The Middle East today is very much like what it was at the time of our Lord, just as the angels predicted. It is a place of deeply felt emotions and passions and conflicting political interests. I have met both good and bad people here. However, is there any place on planet earth that is really that different? We can find sinful human beings in every village, city, and country everywhere on our planet.
However, since this is the place that God chose to send His Son for our salvation, I will go there as well …and with no excuses.
Elisha had to think about following Elijah at first. That is a good thing. It is wise to use our mind to consider everything. Yet, how good it was that he eventually did follow, as did Our Lord follow the will of His Father in Heaven by coming here, and how good it is for all those who resolutely follow Jesus today …wherever they are!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Facing life’s issues with no excuses, denials, delays… such a challenge.
Yes, but it is the most rewarding when we do face those challenges.
Thank you so much. God bless too
You are most welcome!
Have a marvelous, spiritually embracing trip of love in Jesus’ homeland!!!To follow our Jesus is a gift of love!!! Our faith is an amazingingly beautiful Faith that our God would send His Son to teach us to love, establish a church of love and joy, die for us so that we could return to God’s beautiful embrace!! Dick and I are so blessed we were born into our precious faith!! We will follow our Jesus forever for He leads us in love!! Our shoulders have a beautiful love cushion for Jesus to rest on!!!Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeour Jesus and love you Father Dave for leading us in Jesus’ precious LOVE!!! Enjoy your beautiful trip with your lovely people and all of you come home safely to us!!!
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Franca and Dick
Once again, we had a great trip to the Holy Land!
FR Dave
I could see myself with you in the crypt of St Jerome as you spoke of Christ preparing to come to earth & the emotion that touched all of us. What a blessing to have this calling to lead us in the footsteps of Christ & His Apostles. My prayers are with all of you for experiencing this profound joy & for safe travels.
Love & Blessings
Kathy Jones
Thank you for your kind words. The Mass in Bethlehem was especially meaningful, and became a theme for the rest of the trip.
We cannot physically follow Jesus today but I feel it means to get up for Sunday/daily Mass and follow in the ways of Jesus. Be prepared to show, give, do the things Jesus did without too much hesitation AND a smile on my face.
My family and I are saving $$ to join you on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2018. I had the privilege to be with you, Kevin Stoller and the choir in 2006 to Italy.
I am so glad to hear that you will join us in 2018! I look forward to it. Shalom!
Thank you, Father Dave, for your commentary. I’ll bet it is hard to squeeze it in with all of the complexity of your tour. Your comment about meeting good and bad people brings to mind a family story.
One of our daughters was attending La Reina High School. She wanted to transfer to T.O. Her mother was concerned and told her that she would be facing much less religious people at T.O. The daughter replied, “Mom, there are good people and bad people everywhere.” I think she was right.
I hope you find tasty wine and a safe way home.
Tasty wine and a safe trip home were both accomplished! I like your daughter’s response.
Thank you for this wise and comforting commentary. In such troubled times it is good to remember that it is our faith and only our faith that keeps us safe. We must follow it unhesitatingly. I plan to spend some time reflecting upon where I hesitate to practice our faith.
Meanwhile, Dave and I are praying for your group and a safe return. We still have much to learn from you!
Blessings, Joyce and David Bock
Thank you for your response, and especially your prayers. They worked because we all arrived home safely, and ready to go back again!
Loved the visual, very apropos to your Holy Land Trip!
“I am the light of the world, says the Lord. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness
But will have the light of life” John 8.
Everyone follows somebody, friends, popular culture, selfish desires, or God.
I can’t think of anyone or anything worth following better than Jesus.
Look at the opportunities He is giving us and the promises He is offering us.
With trust, curiosity and spiritual openness we make the decision to follow Jesus.
I really like your mentioning Trust, Curiosity, and Spiritual Openness. Those are great qualities of a spiritual life.
Fr Dave,
I pray everyone’ s faith in your group as well as you will grow in Faith and share that Fsith with many upon their return!
Blessings! Martha
Thank you!
Love and prayers for a wonderful safe trip!! God bless each of you.