Gospel for June 25 2023 – Matthew 10:26-33
Gospel Reflections for June 25 2023
Know the right person!
I had dinner with my father many years ago at a restaurant near the ocean that we used to enjoy regularly but had not visited for a while. When we walked in, the host looked up and said, “Welcome back! It is so good to see you again!” He then led us to a great table by a large window with a beautiful view of the water. The waiter was especially helpful, and we had a delicious meal. (I guess it helps to know the right person) On the way out, as I passed the host, he looked up and said, “Come back soon, Fr. Murphy!”
Sometimes it’s amusing when we think we are connecting with someone only to find out he thinks we are someone else. While it doesn’t make much difference in a restaurant, there are times where it is crucial to connect with just the right person.
Parents worry about the connections their teenagers make both on social media or in person. Voters want to know who politicians really are inside. You might wonder about the leaders of China and Russia as well. How can you really know these people?
Today’s Gospel affirms that Jesus knows you very well …even the hairs on your head are counted. He knows your daily joys, hopes, and sorrows each and every day as well.
Jesus affirms He is that reliable person you can trust because He is one with His Father in Heaven. His resurrection was reliable proof and verification that everything He ever said and did was authentically from God, and that His life is the right path to happiness and peace. Accept no substitutes!
Since Our Lord will always stand with us, we also want to stand with Our Lord. “Everyone who acknowledges me before others. I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.” Strong words from the Gospel.
Be grateful for Our Lord’s personal care for you and ask for the courage you need to stand strong in your faith, especially these days.
Knowing the true person of Jesus and His authentic teachings will keep you steady in these times of unfortunate anti-Christian cultural events. Never be afraid to speak your faith to those around you, always speak respectfully …but always speak!
You can be sure Our Lord knows your right name …and that you follow Him!
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
Dear Father Dave,
You’re reflection today is, as always, thought provoking. I truly believe that Jesus knows us very well, indeed.
The question forming in my mind is … how well do we know ourselves?
God created us as complex human beings with intelligence, a mountain of emotions, and free will. We move through the years as individuals within a culture and a society where we are influenced as well as influencing.
Sometimes it’s a wonder that civilization even survives. But we do, and I credit that to our Creator.
As I move into those golden years, my appreciation for the love of life grows exponentially in a deeper, more meaningful way.
However, I still don’t know myself as well as our Blessed Savior does.
Perhaps in time….
God bless you!
Thank you for such an honest response. In truth, it is a challenge to know ourselves well. It takes courageous honesty for sure. I often reference my own “Fr. Dave’s Law” which is that anything we find out about ourselves …is always good news …because now we can deal with it, either change it or nourish it. The love that God has for us gives us the courage to see our selves honestly.
You are a chosen Race , A Royal Priesthood, Fear no one. Great words to think about this week and every week. Our Faith is a Treasure beyond Measure and so very important in our lives. Sort of boggles the mind of how the Creator of us and this Universe would come down and share our humanity with us .
His life and teachings give us the path to eternal Life if we but follow the instructions He gave. I think about that each Sunday while attending Mass . Gathered with my Sisters and Brothers attending and worshiping together.
Renew us Lord in making us truly you more in our daily tasks ahead.
Beautifully said!
Thank you Fr. Dave, for your helpful Commentary which is so needed
in the following of the Lord.
You are welcome!
That is a wonderful law to help along the way. I don’t believe that we can ever completely know ourselves. If we try to see through the eyes of love, then there is always something going on—a deeper exploration into the truth, this inscrutable “thouness” of the other person, and their absolute uniqueness, in whom God is revealed as in no other. I think that if revelation is finished, then we are finished.
Well said!