Gospel Reflections for June 19 2016
Who is Jesus to you?
Jesus turns to His followers and asks a most remarkable question, “Who do the people say that I am?
Why did He ask this question? He clearly wanted to know why people were following Him. However, the answers He receives are disappointing. Many thought He was simply another prophet or great speaker.
Why did He choose this moment to ask this question? The Gospel offers a clue. He is in the area of Caesarea Philippi, a region in the far north of Galilee near a large pagan temple to the Greek Gods. Jesus probably saw people attending that temple and wondered if the crowd saw Him as just another of those pagan gods.
However, Peter answers differently. He believes Jesus is the true Messiah, and the authentic Son of God. Our Lord is happy with that answer!
Today there are still many conflicting ideas about Jesus and His message. Some claim all of the Gospels are just fiction. Others are simply confused about what to believe. I understand that well. Our Lord’s question about who He is remains today that each of us must answer. Therefore, every year I offer an experience for people to find out for themselves.
On June 12th I left the USA to lead my annual archaeological pilgrimage to the Holy Land for two weeks. We have a wonderful group of 36 people that will see all the famous places that Jesus visited in the Gospels. At each place, we will learn about the actual archaeological evidence that authentically verifies if this biblical event took place. We want to experience the real presence of Our Lord in all these places. (for more info on the Holy Land pilgrimage click here)
We will be able to separate the “claims” about who Jesus is from who He is verifiably.
I have found that once people experience archaeologically verified evidence of the presence of Jesus it deepens their faith immensely. They find it profoundly meaningful to walk in the actual footsteps of Our Lord and see where all these Gospel stories actually took place. That is why I so much enjoy leading these annual pilgrimages, and assure everyone that we will go every year to the Holy Land to continue to provide this experience.
I know not everyone is able to go, but Our Lord still asks this important Gospel question today. He wants each of us to answer this question about who He is, and invites us to use all of our mind and heart to answer.
God Bless!
Fr. Dave
God speed you and your companions on your pilgrimage! Maybe “speed” is not the right word–it will probably be a let down when the pilgrimage is over. Nevertheless, we who remain behind wish you a happy, healthy and holy experience.
I side with Peter regarding who Christ is. How could the Bible, in all it’s depth and wisdom, exist without there having been the Anointed One on earth? That the stories and knowledge have survived these thousands of years is truly remarkable considering the volatility of themes and fads of worldly nature.
I can only believe that there is a Holy Spirit and a host of saints influencing the course of humanity. And how could there be a Holy Spirit if there were not an anointed Jesus?
I agree completely. Nice analysis.
Fr Dave,
Jesus is truly everything to me! First, he is my Lord and Savior, but by walking and honoring him and giving my life over to Him daily,and by “seeking him with all my heart” He has also become my loyal best friend, my healer and really everything!! But can we ever have enough Jesus? I believe there is more and more because we cannot even imagine what he has in store for those who love them! So
I keep “seeking Him with all my heart”.
I do want to increase in faith, so I hope next year I can join your pilgrimage.
I look forward to you joining us next year in Jerusalem!
Father Dave, Love your precious words for you live Jesus’ love and know Jesus is the Son of God!!! Only the Son of God our Jesus loved us so much he died for us!!! Only God’s son would teach us the pure meaning of love to love one another as I have loved you!!! Only God’s son would have the power to heal hearts, forgive sins and physically heal !! Jesus is pure love and everyday we should fall more and more in love with him and love as He did!!!!1 Dick and I truly believe Jesus is God’s Son of Love and we are so blessed and thankful we wwere born into this magnificent Faith of love, joy, forgiveness!!!We must share it with others!! Our trip with you toJjesus’ home touched our hearts and we fell more in love with our beloved Saviour!!!Have a beautiful, precious trip and all who are with you will deepen their precious faith and love Jesus more and more and moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Love, Franca and Dick
Well said!
That was enlightening. It is interesting to know the area and why all of a sudden He askes those questions. In these times it is a good idea to consider who Jesus is in our lives. There is so much the enemy is throwing at us. It is time for all Christians to stand firm on who Jesus is and are we following Him or the world.
I wish I could be there in Israel where you are to the places where Christ walked. I will be there in spirit and praying for your trip and all those that went with you.
PS… I wonder if you might run into the Dunbars while there.
Anyway-0– have a blessed and safe trip and hope to get insights from your trip there when you return.
Yes, we connected with the Dunbar family at Magdala, and Tracy gave us the archaeological tour of the site. It was excellent!
Jesus proclaimed that He is the way, the truth and the life.
He is both God and man.
Jesus is unique! There is nobody else like Him. He is the epitome of goodness and love.
I think of Jesus as a close friend, wanting to know all about me, my joys and sorrows,
my trials and tribulations. There is no other source of help better than what Jesus has to
offer and best of all no appointment is ever necessary..
, .
Thinking of Jesus as your best friend is perfect, and just the way he described it in the Gospel of John. “…I now call you friends.”